

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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World finance chiefs outline steps to spur growth, boost jobs

World finance chiefs outline steps to spur growth, boost jobs

14 Oct 2014
Against the backdrop of a fragile and uneven global recovery, the IMF’s policy steering body – the International Monetary and Financial Committee – met today t...
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Lower forecasts, but reason to be hopeful at the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings

Lower forecasts, but reason to be hopeful at the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings

14 Oct 2014
As the World Bank and International Monetary Fund annual meetings wrapped up in Washington, DC on Sunday, finance ministers and bankers from around the world expressed deep concern...
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Joint statement issued at the conclusion of the 19th BASIC Ministerial Meeting on Climate Change

Joint statement issued at the conclusion of the 19th BASIC Ministerial Meeting on Climate Change

14 Oct 2014
Final statement Sun City, South Africa, 10 October 2014 The 19th BASIC Ministerial Meeting on Climate Change was held in Sun City, South Africa, on 10 October 2014. H.E. Ms. ...
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Rural wages rise sharply across Asia – report

Rural wages rise sharply across Asia – report

14 Oct 2014
An end to the seemingly inexhaustible source of cheap, unskilled labour in Asia is within sight as rural wages rise sharply across the region – according to the Overseas Developm...
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Foreign investors’ participation on NSE Drops to 25%

Foreign investors’ participation on NSE Drops to 25%

14 Oct 2014
The level of foreign investors’ participation on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) has continued to shrink, dropping to 25.17 per cent as at July, 2014. Foreign Portfolio Invest...
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State of the Africa Region 2014: Using Africa’s growth to reduce poverty, improve lives

State of the Africa Region 2014: Using Africa’s growth to reduce poverty, improve lives

14 Oct 2014
While Sub-Saharan Africa has sustained positive economic growth in the last 20 years, this growth has not translated into a fast-enough reduction in poverty, which remains more wid...
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WTO and World Bank join forces to provide Trade Facilitation support

WTO and World Bank join forces to provide Trade Facilitation support

13 Oct 2014
Trade is critical for boosting growth in developing world, particularly in Africa The World Bank Group and the World Trade Organization (WTO) have agreed to enhance their co-opera...
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Sustain Africa’s growth by easing structural bottlenecks

Sustain Africa’s growth by easing structural bottlenecks

13 Oct 2014
Sustaining growth in sub-Saharan Africa requires proactively addressing structural bottlenecks to growth such as infrastructure gaps and poor business climates, IMF African Departm...
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Zambia sees lower 2015 budget deficit due to higher royalties

Zambia sees lower 2015 budget deficit due to higher royalties

13 Oct 2014
Zambia plans to narrow its budget deficit in 2015, helped by changes to the mining tax regime which should boost revenue, Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda said on Friday. Pres...
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What EAC presidents agreed on in Kampala Summit

What EAC presidents agreed on in Kampala Summit

13 Oct 2014
President Paul Kagame on Thursday returned from Uganda where he had joined his regional counterparts for the Seventh Summit of the Heads of State of the Northern Corridor...
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World’s risks loom large at Annual Meetings

World’s risks loom large at Annual Meetings

13 Oct 2014
Ebola, climate change, lack of money for crucial infrastructure – the world’s risks loomed large as the World Bank Group-IMF Annual Meetings drew to a close. But solutions, too...
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Comesa bond scheme speeds up movement of goods in Northern Corridor

Comesa bond scheme speeds up movement of goods in Northern Corridor

13 Oct 2014
With more than 200 Customs bonds worth $100 million executed in the clearance of transit goods on the Northern Corridor in less than three years, Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda have ta...
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EA traders fear cheaper goods from Egypt will swamp regional market

EA traders fear cheaper goods from Egypt will swamp regional market

13 Oct 2014
East African traders have expressed fears that subsidised Egyptian products will swamp the regional market following a decision by the East African Community to extend the Free T...
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A single African air transport market critical to agenda 2063

A single African air transport market critical to agenda 2063

13 Oct 2014
The Chairperson of the AU Commission, H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma met a delegation of the African Airlines Association (AFRAA) to discuss the importance of the aviation sector ...
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South Africa ducks Agoa exclusion, for now

South Africa ducks Agoa exclusion, for now

10 Oct 2014
As concerns mount of South Africa’s dominance with the trade pact. South Africa can breathe a sigh of relief for now, as indications are clear that the African Growth and Opport...
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Moves to reindustrialise SA’s economy

Moves to reindustrialise SA’s economy

10 Oct 2014
It’s been named among South Africa’s top 10 investment opportunities. The Dube TradePort in Durban is now officially an Industrial Development Zone (IDZ), joining three ot...
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More growth, more jobs are main objectives of meetings – Lagarde

More growth, more jobs are main objectives of meetings – Lagarde

10 Oct 2014
The IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings starting this week in Washington will discuss how to break through prolonged low growth and generate more growth and more jobs, IMF Managing Dire...
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Ninth African Development Forum: Innovative Financing for Africa’s Transformation

Ninth African Development Forum: Innovative Financing for Africa’s Transformation

10 Oct 2014
The Ninth African Development Forum will be held in Marrakech, Morocco, from 12 to 16 October 2014 on the theme “Innovative financing for Africa’s transformation”. The Forum ...
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Namibian Retail Charter to be implemented by 2015

Namibian Retail Charter to be implemented by 2015

10 Oct 2014
An agency of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Namibia Trade Forum (NTF), that aims to chart out the formation of Task Teams, their terms of references, as well as the guidel...
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Suspension of EEG stifling non-oil export growth

Suspension of EEG stifling non-oil export growth

10 Oct 2014
Nigeria’s quest for economic diversification may be imperilled by the continuing suspension of the Export Expansion Grant (EEG), with current backlog of Negotiable Duty Customs C...
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