

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Regional Ministers adopt ECOWAS texts on gender equality

Regional Ministers adopt ECOWAS texts on gender equality

26 Jan 2015
ECOWAS Ministers in charge of Gender issues have adopted three key documents for the promotion of gender equality in the region. The text adopted by the Ministers at the end of th...
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2015 – Year for strengthening SADC regional integration

2015 – Year for strengthening SADC regional integration

23 Jan 2015
The year 2015 promises to be an exciting period for southern Africa, with crucial regional processes expected to be concluded and deadlines for a number of important regional and g...
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Draft master plan for logistics hub out

Draft master plan for logistics hub out

23 Jan 2015
The draft master plan for a Namibia-based international hub for Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries has been released. The report has been commissioned by the ...
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Ten reasons why 2015 is a crucial year for Africa, by Caroline Kende-Robb

Ten reasons why 2015 is a crucial year for Africa, by Caroline Kende-Robb

23 Jan 2015
Africa is a critical continent to watch in 2015. The year ahead holds incredible opportunity – as well as considerable risk. Africa is poised to receive the global attention it ...
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Sen. Chris Coons fights South Africa on poultry duties

Sen. Chris Coons fights South Africa on poultry duties

23 Jan 2015
Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware has issued a strong warning to South Africa: Drop your “unfair” duties on U.S. poultry or prepare to see your trade benefits disappear. Since 2000...
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Agriculture Ministers: Sustainable production needed to tackle hunger

Agriculture Ministers: Sustainable production needed to tackle hunger

23 Jan 2015
A communiqué approved by agriculture ministers and officials from over 60 countries has declared that sustainable production is key to tackling hunger and malnutrition, ...
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African leaders addressing intra-Africa trade bottlenecks

African leaders addressing intra-Africa trade bottlenecks

23 Jan 2015
President Jacob Zuma says African countries are already working together to remove red tape that hinders intra-African trade. The President said while doing business in the contin...
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The New Global Context: Could economic transformations threaten stability?

The New Global Context: Could economic transformations threaten stability?

22 Jan 2015
UBS has produced a white paper on the New Global Context, the theme of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2015 in Davos, Switzerland, on January 21-24. The white paper ...
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Ebola: Most African countries avoid major economic loss but impact on Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone remains crippling

Ebola: Most African countries avoid major economic loss but impact on Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone remains crippling

22 Jan 2015
The Ebola epidemic will continue to cripple the economies of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone even as transmission rates in the three countries show significant signs of slo...
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Puzzles of Nigeria’s OPEC membership

Puzzles of Nigeria’s OPEC membership

22 Jan 2015
Barely 55 years ago, five oil-producing developing countries including Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, gathered in the Iraqi capital Baghdad to form the Organizatio...
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Top UN officials welcome negotiations as Member States discuss new sustainability agenda

Top UN officials welcome negotiations as Member States discuss new sustainability agenda

22 Jan 2015
Senior United Nations officials underlined the importance of the intergovernmental negotiations that got under way at UN Headquarters in New York on 19 January 2015 aimed at finali...
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Make 2015 ‘Year of Action and Political Leadership’ – Lagarde

Make 2015 ‘Year of Action and Political Leadership’ – Lagarde

22 Jan 2015
The year 2015 must be the “year of action” when policymakers redouble their efforts to tackle deep-seated economic weaknesses and show greater political leadership on infrastru...
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The EU-Africa Partnership: Another lost year?

The EU-Africa Partnership: Another lost year?

21 Jan 2015
Arnold Kammel doesn’t doubt that Africa and the EU have many goals in common, particularly when it comes to peace and security. That’s why it’s time for a ‘partnership of e...
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United States removes three countries from AGOA

United States removes three countries from AGOA

21 Jan 2015
As of 1 January 2015 Swaziland, the Gambia, and South Sudan are no longer receiving trade benefits under the Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA). Although no specific reason was ...
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South Africa, the world’s most open country for FDI

South Africa, the world’s most open country for FDI

21 Jan 2015
South Africa is committed to improving its global competitiveness and reputation with a view to delivering on its growth and developmental imperatives. South Africa continues to co...
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Boosting trade links for Commonwealth Countries

Boosting trade links for Commonwealth Countries

21 Jan 2015
International trade experts will meet this week to advance a ground-breaking Aid for Trade initiative aimed at boosting economic growth and reducing poverty in African, Caribbean a...
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Traders save Shs1.2 billion with Electronic Cargo Tracking System

Traders save Shs1.2 billion with Electronic Cargo Tracking System

21 Jan 2015
A total of $434,107 (about Shs1.2 billion) has been saved by traders since Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) adopted the Electronic Cargo Tracking System (ECTS) in May last year. ...
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Media Statement: Ordinary Joint Meeting of SADC Ministers of Health and Ministers Responsible for HIV and AIDS

Media Statement: Ordinary Joint Meeting of SADC Ministers of Health and Ministers Responsible for HIV and AIDS

20 Jan 2015
SADC ministers of health and ministers responsible for HIV and AIDS met recently to review progress on the implementation of regional policies and programmes for addressing public ...
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Azevêdo invited to participate in informal meeting of African ministers

Azevêdo invited to participate in informal meeting of African ministers

20 Jan 2015
At the invitation of Egypt’s Minister of Industry, Trade and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, Director-General Roberto Azevêdo participated in an in...
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Sustainable economic growth and peaceful elections should be Africa’s focus in 2015

Sustainable economic growth and peaceful elections should be Africa’s focus in 2015

20 Jan 2015
African Development Bank President Donald Kaberuka on Friday, January 16 expressed optimism that 2015 holds an opportunity for the African continent to achieve progress in economic...
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