

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Continent to define vision for the future on climate, investment in natural capital, economic transitions and development

Continent to define vision for the future on climate, investment in natural capital, economic transitions and development

06 Mar 2015
The high-level segment of the 15th Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) opened in Cairo, Wednesday, with delegations from 54 African nation...
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21st Intergovernmental Committee of Experts Meeting: Accelerating Industrialization in Southern Africa

21st Intergovernmental Committee of Experts Meeting: Accelerating Industrialization in Southern Africa

06 Mar 2015
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Sub-regional Office for Southern Africa will convene its 21st Session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) me...
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Kenya emerging as one of East Africa’s growth centers

Kenya emerging as one of East Africa’s growth centers

06 Mar 2015
With solid growth continuing in infrastructure, agri-cultural production, manufacturing and other industries, Kenya is poised to be among the fastest-growing economies in East Afri...
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SADC aiming to protect local businesses

SADC aiming to protect local businesses

06 Mar 2015
Southern African countries have moved to protect their local businesses by amending the competition laws that are deemed to have loopholes and vulnerable to exploitation by interna...
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More Comesa members scrap visa requirement for travellers

More Comesa members scrap visa requirement for travellers

05 Mar 2015
The vision of free cross-border movement within the 19-member Comesa bloc has drawn closer to reality after three more states scrapped the visa requirement for travellers. Mauri...
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SA no longer only gateway

SA no longer only gateway

05 Mar 2015
South Africa was no longer the only gateway into Africa as other ports elsewhere in the continent were heavily investing in infrastructure making the trade business more competitiv...
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Heavy importation threatening local manufacturers, says BoI

Heavy importation threatening local manufacturers, says BoI

05 Mar 2015
Apparently worried by the high level of low capacity utilization occasioned by huge imports of goods that could be produced locally, the Bank of Industry (BoI) has advocated the ex...
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South Africa awaits patent reforms with hope, concern

South Africa awaits patent reforms with hope, concern

05 Mar 2015
South Africa’s new policy on patents could go to the Cabinet for approval soon, says Doctors without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières, MSF), one of the organisations spearhead...
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EAC grapples with high business costs

EAC grapples with high business costs

04 Mar 2015
The cost of doing business across the East African Community remains high, in spite of the efforts being made by Partner states and with the support of Development Partners. In ad...
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International Women’s Day 2015: Transition Support Department brainstorms on women’s empowerment and economies

International Women’s Day 2015: Transition Support Department brainstorms on women’s empowerment and economies

04 Mar 2015
This week the African Development Bank has organized a series of events at its headquarters in Abidjan leading up to International Women’s Day (IWD) 2015 on March 8. On Tuesday M...
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Caucus of African Central Bank Governors 2015

Caucus of African Central Bank Governors 2015

04 Mar 2015
On 29 March 2015, the Economic Commission for Africa and the African Union Commission will hold the second Caucus of African Central Bank Governors, in Addis Ababa, on the mar...
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Managing rapid urbanization can help Uganda achieve sustainable and inclusive growth

Managing rapid urbanization can help Uganda achieve sustainable and inclusive growth

04 Mar 2015
Uganda’s urban population will increase from six million in 2013 to over 20 million in 2040. Policy makers need to act now to ensure that this rapid urbanization is managed well,...
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Swaziland: Budget Speech 2015/16

Swaziland: Budget Speech 2015/16

03 Mar 2015
The Minister of Finance Senator Martin Dlamini has presented the 2015/16 National budget with emphasis on a strong and resilient economy, macroeconomic stability, private sector co...
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U.S. and East African Community join to increase trade competitiveness and deepen economic ties

U.S. and East African Community join to increase trade competitiveness and deepen economic ties

03 Mar 2015
Obama Administration to Expand Trade Africa Initiative U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman and trade ministers from the East African Community (EAC) marked a milestone for Tr...
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Nigeria is Africa’s leading ecommerce market

Nigeria is Africa’s leading ecommerce market

02 Mar 2015
Online shopping in Africa has blossomed in recent times, riding on the back of improved broadband access. Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy, is leading the way in e-commerce grow...
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South African trade gap widens to record as mining exports fall

South African trade gap widens to record as mining exports fall

02 Mar 2015
South Africa’s trade deficit widened to the largest since at least 2010 in January as gold and platinum exports fell and oil imports increased. The trade gap of 24.2 billion ran...
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Greater collaboration needed for air cargo to unlock intra-African trade potential

Greater collaboration needed for air cargo to unlock intra-African trade potential

02 Mar 2015
African airlines have called for greater intra-regional trade, better connectivity and more carrier cooperation if they are to take advantage of the continent’s potential, delega...
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Trans Kalahari Project still on hold

Trans Kalahari Project still on hold

02 Mar 2015
Minister of Infrastructure Science and Technology, Nonofo Molefhi says the commencement of the Trans Kalahari Railway (TKR) project is on hold pending sourcing of funds. The 1447-...
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SADC completes industrial strategy interim report

SADC completes industrial strategy interim report

27 Feb 2015
SADC member states have completed an interim report outlining the regional industrialisation strategy expected to prioritise value addition and beneficiation. The interim report...
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SME finance in Ethiopia: addressing the missing middle challenge

SME finance in Ethiopia: addressing the missing middle challenge

27 Feb 2015
The private sector is expected to play a key role in Ethiopia’s journey to become a middle income country in the next decade. However, Ethiopian firms face significant financial ...
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