

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Africa’s short-term priority: Tackle shock of lower oil prices

Africa’s short-term priority: Tackle shock of lower oil prices

21 Apr 2015
Managing the impact of sharply lower oil prices is sub-Saharan Africa’s short-term policy priority, IMF African Department Director Antoinette Sayeh said. She told a news confer...
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Renewed global development partnership vital to post-2015 agenda, Ban tells top finance institutions

Renewed global development partnership vital to post-2015 agenda, Ban tells top finance institutions

21 Apr 2015
Kicking off a high-level meeting with global financial institutions and development agencies at United Nations Headquarters on Monday morning, Secretary-General Ban Ki-mo...
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In Washington, UN chief urges finance leaders to ‘plant seeds’ of post-2015 agenda

In Washington, UN chief urges finance leaders to ‘plant seeds’ of post-2015 agenda

20 Apr 2015
Financing will be key for the creation and unveiling of an ambitious post-2015 development agenda, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declared on 18 April 2015,...
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Financing the Future of Development

Financing the Future of Development

20 Apr 2015
The 2015 World Bank Group-International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings are over, but a pivotal year in development has only just begun. By September, the world probably w...
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Building African participation in global value chains

Building African participation in global value chains

20 Apr 2015
Government representatives, business leaders and other members of the public and private-sector came together on April 16th for an event focused on the hurdles and benefits of...
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Nigeria: Ministers to validate strategy for implementing West Africa industrial policy

Nigeria: Ministers to validate strategy for implementing West Africa industrial policy

20 Apr 2015
Ministers in charge of Industry and Quality in West Africa are to meet in Accra, Ghana, 24-25 April 2015 to consider and validate several documents including the strategy for ...
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SA gets “political commitment” to be included in AGOA

SA gets “political commitment” to be included in AGOA

20 Apr 2015
President Jacob Zuma says government has received a political commitment from the United States government that the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) would be signed with t...
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African cocoa a golden ticket for Tanzania chocolate factory

African cocoa a golden ticket for Tanzania chocolate factory

20 Apr 2015
Jaki Kweka is that rare breed of gourmet chocolatier. She makes fine chocolate in Africa using local African ingredients. Other African companies such as Ghana’s Golden Tree use...
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tralac Annual Conference: Keynote Address by Treasure Thembisile Maphanga, Director of Trade and Industry, African Union Commission

tralac Annual Conference: Keynote Address by Treasure Thembisile Maphanga, Director of Trade and Industry, African Union Commission

17 Apr 2015
Towards a continental integration agenda H.E. Commissioner Acyl extends her greetings and apologies for not being able to join this important conference. Allow me to take this aus...
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‘Chicken war’ to be over soon – Davies

‘Chicken war’ to be over soon – Davies

17 Apr 2015
Minister of Trade and Industry Rob Davies has assured an audience in Washington that a settlement on the contentious ‘chicken issue’ is on the horizon. “Our industries ...
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The Continental Task Force on the Continental Free Trade Area considers the drafts of technical documents in preparation for the launch of the negotiations

The Continental Task Force on the Continental Free Trade Area considers the drafts of technical documents in preparation for the launch of the negotiations

17 Apr 2015
The 4th Meeting of the Continental Task Force (CTF), commenced on 10 April 2015 in Dakar, Senegal. The meeting was organized by the Department of Trade and Industry of the Africa U...
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From Billions to Trillions – Transforming development finance

From Billions to Trillions – Transforming development finance

17 Apr 2015
Post-2015 Financing for Development: Multilateral Development Finance Statement by the Heads of the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Rec...
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African trade policies have to match its industrialization imperative

African trade policies have to match its industrialization imperative

17 Apr 2015
While the last 15 years have seen relatively high levels of growth driven by a commodity super-cycle and strong internal demand from a growing middleclass, Africa is still dependen...
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African Ministers call for strong Paris agreement, climate finance flows

African Ministers call for strong Paris agreement, climate finance flows

17 Apr 2015
Private and Public Sectors Join in Quest for Market and Finance Opportunities at 7th Africa Carbon Forum Ministers from governments across Africa have renewed their call for a str...
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At UN-backed conference, Ban calls for more investment to achieve sustainable energy

At UN-backed conference, Ban calls for more investment to achieve sustainable energy

17 Apr 2015
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 15 April 2015 called on business leaders to expand investment in low-carbon growth and opportunities to advance sustainabl...
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Insurers must adapt to ‘informal’ African market

Insurers must adapt to ‘informal’ African market

17 Apr 2015
Insurance companies are struggling to gain a foothold in Africa, where populations tend to favour community insurance schemes called tontines. These are often informal agreeme...
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The State of Commodity Dependence 2014

The State of Commodity Dependence 2014

16 Apr 2015
The aim of this report is to present an up-to-date overview of the commodity dependence in developing countries in a friendly and easy-to-understand manner. In fact, commodities r...
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European Parliament’s Trade Committee wastes ground-breaking opportunity on conflict minerals

European Parliament’s Trade Committee wastes ground-breaking opportunity on conflict minerals

16 Apr 2015
Joint Civil Society Public Statement Today [14 April 2015] the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade (INTA) wasted a ground-breaking opportunity to tackle the d...
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Now is the time! Use fiscal policy to support sustainable growth

Now is the time! Use fiscal policy to support sustainable growth

16 Apr 2015
In the global context of a moderate and uneven economic recovery, sound management of public finances can secure elusive growth and jobs. In its latest Fiscal Monitor, the IM...
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Surveys show continued economic progress in Liberia; a more uneven picture in Sierra Leone

Surveys show continued economic progress in Liberia; a more uneven picture in Sierra Leone

16 Apr 2015
Effects of Ebola on household welfare likely to reach well beyond the end of health crisis The return to work continues in Liberia, led by gains for wage workers and the rural sel...
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