

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Interdependencies between countries and policy areas: UNCTAD’s role in the 2030 Agenda

Interdependencies between countries and policy areas: UNCTAD’s role in the 2030 Agenda

30 Mar 2016
A new Policy Brief examines how the UNCTAD concept of interdependence may be employed in the follow-up and monitoring process of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2...
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Going beyond goods: Measuring services for export competitiveness

Going beyond goods: Measuring services for export competitiveness

30 Mar 2016
The simplest way to think about international trade is the transfer of goods – cars, clothing, bananas. Countries that export more goods are generally better off, because they’...
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New data on East African private equity activity

New data on East African private equity activity

30 Mar 2016
The first ever dashboard on East African private equity deals has been released, another step forward in the quest for solid investment data on the African continent. Put together...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

29 Mar 2016
The selection: Tuesday, 29 March 2016 Starting today, in Addis: Expert group meeting on the revitalization of the African Peer Review Mechanism (AU) Today, in Nairobi: Uganda, Ke...
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Kenya Vision 2030: Mega projects well under way but growth remains elusive

Kenya Vision 2030: Mega projects well under way but growth remains elusive

29 Mar 2016
Kenya’s ambition of becoming a middle-income economy with per capita income of between $1,045 and $12,736 hangs in the balance as the government struggles to meet key growth ta...
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AGOA-IV and the trade prospects of sub-Saharan Africa

AGOA-IV and the trade prospects of sub-Saharan Africa

29 Mar 2016
The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), a piece of US domestic legislation first passed by Congress and signed into law in May 2000, was a product of US efforts to reorient ...
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Renewable energy investments: Major milestones reached, new world record set

Renewable energy investments: Major milestones reached, new world record set

29 Mar 2016
Coal and gas-fired electricity generation last year drew less than half the record investment made in solar, wind and other renewables capacity – one of several important firsts ...
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Half of Africa’s nations advancing climate solutions to front burner in national development plans: report

Half of Africa’s nations advancing climate solutions to front burner in national development plans: report

29 Mar 2016
The African Development Bank (AfDB) has released Financing Change: the AfDB and CIF for a Climate-Smart Africa, its 2015 Annual Report for its Climate Investment Funds (CIF) portfo...
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DG Azevêdo praises work of standards committee on reaching 500th trade concern

DG Azevêdo praises work of standards committee on reaching 500th trade concern

29 Mar 2016
WTO members raised the 500th specific trade concern at a meeting of the Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade on 8-10 March 2016, marking a milestone in their discussions about ...
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New trade concerns reviewed by WTO committee on food safety and animal/plant health

New trade concerns reviewed by WTO committee on food safety and animal/plant health

29 Mar 2016
WTO members reviewed a number of trade measures concerning food safety and animal and plant health at a meeting of the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures on 16-...
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SDG indicators challenged by many UN member states

SDG indicators challenged by many UN member states

29 Mar 2016
UN Member States voice serious concerns at the Statistical Commission’s adoption of the global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals While the “global indi...
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Trade integration and global value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: In pursuit of the missing link

Trade integration and global value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: In pursuit of the missing link

29 Mar 2016
The mid-1990s ushered in two decades of strong and sustained growth in sub-Saharan Africa. The growth takeoff has been attributed to a combination of factors, not least sound macro...
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New research offers much-needed hope for our oceans

New research offers much-needed hope for our oceans

29 Mar 2016
Earth’s fisheries are in bad shape – populations of some stocks, including tuna and mackerel, declined 74 percent between 1970 and 2010. A new study, however, offers a gli...
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UN urges stronger, coordinated international response to address El Niño impacts

UN urges stronger, coordinated international response to address El Niño impacts

29 Mar 2016
The United Nations has called for a stronger response by governments, aid organizations and the private sector to address the devastating impact the El Niño climate event is havin...
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Economic Commission for Africa: Biennial report 2014-2015

Economic Commission for Africa: Biennial report 2014-2015

28 Mar 2016
The present report provides a review of the progress made over the biennium 2014-2015 in implementing the work programme of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), with a focus o...
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Status of African Integration: The Implications of Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030 on African Integration

Status of African Integration: The Implications of Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030 on African Integration

28 Mar 2016
Report prepared for the Ninth Joint AUC-ECA Annual Meetings of the AU Conference of Ministers of the Economy and Finance and ECA Conference of African Ministers of Financ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

24 Mar 2016
The selection: Thursday, 24 March 2016 Featured tweets: Dr Stergomena Tax (‏@DrTaxs): Southern Africa Region endorses Madam Pelonomi Venson-Moitou as the region's candidate for...
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Deal or no deal: strictly business for China in Kenya?

Deal or no deal: strictly business for China in Kenya?

24 Mar 2016
Existing work on China’s economic influence in Africa refers to Africa in broad terms, thereby generalizing the results to an extent that is unhelpful for policy-makers...
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Forecasting volatility in financial markets is the key for macroeconomic stability in COMESA region

Forecasting volatility in financial markets is the key for macroeconomic stability in COMESA region

24 Mar 2016
COMESA Monetary Institute (CMI) is conducting a series of training programmes to help member States manage volatility in prices of their financial markets assets. The focus group f...
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Addressing informal cross-border trade and security in IGAD region

Addressing informal cross-border trade and security in IGAD region

24 Mar 2016
IGAD's Conflict Early Waming and Response Mechanism (CEWARN) hosted a meeting of IGAD Member State officials of Trade, Customs and Security on Addressing the nexus between Informal...
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