

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Northern Corridor meeting to announce oil pipeline route

Northern Corridor meeting to announce oil pipeline route

20 Apr 2016
The 13th Northern Corridor Integration Projects (NCIP) summit in Kampala kicked off on 19 April 2016 with several technical and ministerial meetings. Running under the chairmanshi...
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Which are Africa’s fastest growing economies?

Which are Africa’s fastest growing economies?

20 Apr 2016
Ivory Coast is Africa’s fastest growing economy, according to the IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook. The West African nation’s GDP is expected to grow by 8.5% this y...
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Uganda warns traders over Mombasa goods amnesty

Uganda warns traders over Mombasa goods amnesty

20 Apr 2016
Uganda has cautioned its traders to remove overstayed cargo at the Mombasa port before next month when a final waiver on storage charges expires. An estimated 637 cargo cont...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

19 Apr 2016
The selection: Tuesday, 19 April 2016 Featured infographic: African states where over 80% of electricity is renewable AMCEN: 'Agenda 2030 and Paris Agreement: from policy to impl...
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Five years on, the progress and the future of the UK’s Africa Free Trade Initiative

Five years on, the progress and the future of the UK’s Africa Free Trade Initiative

19 Apr 2016
With recent developments in trade and regional integration in Africa, the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Trade Out of Poverty is launching an inquiry into the progress and fut...
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Mega-regional trade agreements: Threat or opportunity for the future of African trade?

Mega-regional trade agreements: Threat or opportunity for the future of African trade?

19 Apr 2016
How can Africa mitigate the potential negative impacts of mega-regional trade agreements and support its structural transformation efforts through trade? Since the early 2000s, re...
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Fighting the hidden tariff: Global trade without corruption

Fighting the hidden tariff: Global trade without corruption

19 Apr 2016
OECD’s Integrity Forum has become one of the leading public fora on integrity and anti-corruption worldwide, bringing together relevant policy communities as well as the private ...
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Global trade in fake goods worth nearly half a trillion dollars a year: OECD & EUIPO

Global trade in fake goods worth nearly half a trillion dollars a year: OECD & EUIPO

19 Apr 2016
Imports of counterfeit and pirated goods are worth nearly half a trillion dollars a year, or around 2.5% of global imports, with US, Italian and French brands the hardest hit and m...
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World Development Indicators 2016: Highlights

World Development Indicators 2016: Highlights

19 Apr 2016
In September 2015, leaders of 193 countries agreed on a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals to guide global action over the next 15 years. Set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustai...
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Data protection regulations and international data flows: Implications for trade and development

Data protection regulations and international data flows: Implications for trade and development

19 Apr 2016
Data protection frameworks must be compatible with international data flows for developing countries to benefit from the global digital economy National and regional legal framewo...
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Global commitment to multilateral agreements key towards achieving sustainability, says UN Secretary-General

Global commitment to multilateral agreements key towards achieving sustainability, says UN Secretary-General

19 Apr 2016
With billions of lives hanging in the balance, the next phase of development depended on the international community’s commitment to build on recent multilateral agreements and p...
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State of the Africa region: The time to reform is now

State of the Africa region: The time to reform is now

19 Apr 2016
During the recent State of the Africa Region, World Bank Vice President Makhtar Diop cited reforms as key to reigniting growth and helping African countries achieve structural tran...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

18 Apr 2016
The selection: Monday, 18 April 2016 Today, in Gaborone: President Jacob Zuma visits Botswana, then Namibia and Swaziland, on SACU issues Today, in Mauritius: seminar on WTO Agre...
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Hearings: Inquiry into the UK’s Africa Free Trade initiative

Hearings: Inquiry into the UK’s Africa Free Trade initiative

18 Apr 2016
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Trade Out of Poverty is undertaking an inquiry into the UK’s Africa Free Trade Initiative (AFTi), which was launched by the Prime Minister fi...
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Development Committee: World Bank Group, IMF urged to help solve refugee crisis, other challenges

Development Committee: World Bank Group, IMF urged to help solve refugee crisis, other challenges

18 Apr 2016
Government ministers from around the world confronted the refugee crisis, a slowing economy, and other global challenges at the 2016 World Bank Group-IMF Spring Meetings. ...
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Drought, insecurity add to commodity woes – African Ministers

Drought, insecurity add to commodity woes – African Ministers

18 Apr 2016
The dramatic decline in commodity prices combined with severe drought conditions and rising insecurity has hit many countries hard, African finance ministers said during the IMF-Wo...
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Spending more and better: Essential to tackling the infrastructure gap

Spending more and better: Essential to tackling the infrastructure gap

18 Apr 2016
Countries will need to spend resources better – by improving efficiency and building capacities – in order to support high-quality infrastructure projects that can achieve sign...
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Making trade work for Least Developed Countries: A handbook on mainstreaming trade

Making trade work for Least Developed Countries: A handbook on mainstreaming trade

18 Apr 2016
Least developed countries (LDCs) have very high trade-to-GDP ratios, reflecting the fact that they are heavily dependent on trade. Over the past few decades, they have also embarke...
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As Uganda chooses Tanzania pipeline route, Kenya to go it alone

As Uganda chooses Tanzania pipeline route, Kenya to go it alone

18 Apr 2016
Uganda will take its oil to the market through Tanzania’s Tanga port, leaving Kenya to build its own pipeline to Lamu, if the positions taken at the just-ended talks in Ka...
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IMFC calls for stronger policy mix to fight subdued growth

IMFC calls for stronger policy mix to fight subdued growth

18 Apr 2016
The world’s financial leaders called for a forceful and balanced policy mix – a three-pronged approach of structural reforms together with fiscal and monetary policy – to lif...
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