

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Single African Passport: A turning point for an integrated and prosperous Africa

Single African Passport: A turning point for an integrated and prosperous Africa

15 Aug 2016
To all those who are convinced that regional integration requires strong political will and committed leadership, African Heads of State showed just that when they were presented w...
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Zimbabwe’s draft mining bill says foreign firms must list locally

Zimbabwe’s draft mining bill says foreign firms must list locally

15 Aug 2016
Zimbabwe will only issue mining rights to companies listed on the local stock exchange and will not allow the export of raw minerals without ministerial approval, according to a dr...
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Making the most of ports in West Africa

Making the most of ports in West Africa

12 Aug 2016
The West African port landscape has evolved rapidly since the turn of the century despite a slow start in adjusting to the requirements of modern liner shipping and containerized t...
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Agriculture, import rules deadlock slows super Africa trade bloc creation

Agriculture, import rules deadlock slows super Africa trade bloc creation

12 Aug 2016
Sharp differences over agricultural safeguards and the rules of origin have slowed efforts to create a super continental trading bloc lumping up 26 African countries, integration...
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Uruguay’s victory over Philip Morris:  a win for tobacco control and public health

Uruguay’s victory over Philip Morris: a win for tobacco control and public health

12 Aug 2016
In a landmark decision that has been hailed as a victory of public health measures against narrow commercial interests, an international tribunal has dismissed a claim by tobacco g...
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We will trade with other EAC countries if Burundi ignores us – Kanimba

We will trade with other EAC countries if Burundi ignores us – Kanimba

12 Aug 2016
Following the recent decision made by Burundi to sever trade ties with Rwanda, Rwanda will trade with other regional countries. The remarks have been made by trade minister, Franco...
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South Africa’s economy regains rank as Africa’s biggest on Rand

South Africa’s economy regains rank as Africa’s biggest on Rand

12 Aug 2016
South Africa’s economy regained the position of Africa’s largest in dollar terms more than two years after losing it to Nigeria as the value of the nations’ currencies moved ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

11 Aug 2016
The selection: Thursday, 11 August 2016 The 7th Annual Conference on Regional Integration in Africa (ACRIA 7) was held in Cotonou, 7-9 July: access the presentations The nominati...
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SA losing ground in global manufacturing stakes

SA losing ground in global manufacturing stakes

11 Aug 2016
South Africa and most of its fellow Brics members – and the African continent as a whole – need to take a long, hard look at investing in cutting edge technology to catch up in...
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Kigali investments summit to ‘demystify’ Africa’s potential

Kigali investments summit to ‘demystify’ Africa’s potential

11 Aug 2016
Despite abundant business and investment prospects in Africa, there continues to be negative perceptions and stereotypes about the continent which are said to often prevent investo...
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2016 African Caucus: Cotonou Declaration

2016 African Caucus: Cotonou Declaration

11 Aug 2016
The African Governors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank met at Palais des Congres de Cotonou (Benin), the 4th and 5th of August, 2016 for the African Cauc...
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Africa’s next step should be agricultural reform: Japan trade group exec

Africa’s next step should be agricultural reform: Japan trade group exec

11 Aug 2016
As a leading producer of oil, copper ore and other natural resources, recent weak prices and sluggish markets have slowed African economies. Growth potential on the continent remai...
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Cameroon ratifies EU trade deal but suspicions remain

Cameroon ratifies EU trade deal but suspicions remain

11 Aug 2016
Cameroon has accepted an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union on the dismantling of customs barriers, even though it told members of a regional bloc it woul...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

10 Aug 2016
The selection: Wednesday, 10 August 2016 SADC Trade Protocol: Mauritius workshop on MRE system (GoM) A sensitisation workshop on the SADC Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Sys...
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Financing Africa’s infrastructure deficit: From development banking to long-term investing

Financing Africa’s infrastructure deficit: From development banking to long-term investing

10 Aug 2016
Africa is the continent of the future. To realize its potential, Africa needs to reduce its massive infrastructure deficit to both achieve structural transformation and market inte...
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Traders find solutions to NTBs but sticky issues persist in Central Corridor

Traders find solutions to NTBs but sticky issues persist in Central Corridor

10 Aug 2016
Fresh information shows that transporters on the Central Corridor now save up to 78 per cent of weighbridge stoppage times, thanks to an April directive by Tanzanian President John...
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Globalization is the only answer

Globalization is the only answer

10 Aug 2016
The Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom and the presidential race in the United States have shown, among other things, that public distrust of global integration is on the rise...
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Collapse of EU trade deal: Kenya finds itself isolated for a third time in four months

Collapse of EU trade deal: Kenya finds itself isolated for a third time in four months

10 Aug 2016
Kenya has found itself isolated after its peers in East Africa developed cold feet on a trade deal with the European Union (EU). One after another, the five countries in the regio...
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The 2016 Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project Report: Advancing equitable financial ecosystems

The 2016 Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project Report: Advancing equitable financial ecosystems

10 Aug 2016
New Brookings report highlights advances in financial and digital inclusion Utilizing quality, affordable formal financial services effectively enables individuals to save for the...
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US$81 billion mobilized in 2015 to tackle climate change: Joint MDB report

US$81 billion mobilized in 2015 to tackle climate change: Joint MDB report

10 Aug 2016
Climate finance totalling US $81 billion was mobilized for projects funded by the world’s six largest multilateral development banks (MDBs) in 2015. This included $25 billion of ...
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