

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Mauritius well positioned to underpin development in Africa, says Finance Minister

Mauritius well positioned to underpin development in Africa, says Finance Minister

22 Sep 2016
With over 25 years of experience in the global business sector, Mauritius is well positioned to make significant contribution in attracting, mobilising and channeling the necessa...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

21 Sep 2016
The selection: Wednesday, 21 September 2016 On Day 1 of UNGA’s annual general debate: Southern African leaders underline importance of regional efforts for sustainable developme...
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Promoting financial inclusion in West Africa: Leveraging financial technology for the underbanked

Promoting financial inclusion in West Africa: Leveraging financial technology for the underbanked

21 Sep 2016
More than two billion people worldwide are without bank accounts. Most are poor and only a third of adults in sub-Saharan Africa have access to any kind of basic financial services...
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Trade not aid: Obama’s Africa legacy

Trade not aid: Obama’s Africa legacy

21 Sep 2016
A shift in policy towards trade promotion could be the defining characteristic of the Obama administration’s relationship with the continent. The US-Africa Business Forum (USABF...
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More than Sh101 billion in Power Africa commitments finalised

More than Sh101 billion in Power Africa commitments finalised

21 Sep 2016
More than Sh101 billion ($1 billion) in debt and financing commitments from US agencies and private investors is set to be announced on Wednesday for US President Barack Obama...
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House okays EU trade pact ahead of deadline

House okays EU trade pact ahead of deadline

21 Sep 2016
Parliament unanimously endorsed Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), sending yet another strong signal of Kenya’s resolve to conclude the decade-old negotiations with Europe. ...
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Accelerating Trade in West Africa (ATWA): Stage 1 Report

Accelerating Trade in West Africa (ATWA): Stage 1 Report

21 Sep 2016
Accelerating Trade in West Africa (ATWA) is a new initiative aiming to establish a durable, multi-donor vehicle dedicated to advancing regional integration, expanding trade an...
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Financial inclusion: Bridging economic opportunities and outcomes

Financial inclusion: Bridging economic opportunities and outcomes

21 Sep 2016
Promoting Financial Inclusion in West Africa: ECOWAS Regional Conference Remarks by IMF Deputy Managing Director Mitsuhiro Furusawa in Dakar, 20 September 2016 Good morning....
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Leveraging engagement with emerging partners to boost Africa’s economic development

Leveraging engagement with emerging partners to boost Africa’s economic development

21 Sep 2016
The scramble for Africa by emerging economies, and the response by traditional partners, is all to Africa’s benefit. How can Africa leverage its growing ties with the South to bo...
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At UN, Southern African leaders underline importance of regional efforts for sustainable development

At UN, Southern African leaders underline importance of regional efforts for sustainable development

21 Sep 2016
In their respective addresses to the United Nations General Assembly on 20 September 2016, Southern African leaders stressed the importance of regional efforts, such as within the ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

20 Sep 2016
The selection: Tuesday, 20 September 2016 Launching today, in Gaborone: Botswana’s Aid for Trade Strategy - promoting private sector key to development (@AndersP_UN) In Nairobi...
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The 6th meeting of the Continental Task Force discusses fast-tracking of the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area

The 6th meeting of the Continental Task Force discusses fast-tracking of the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area

20 Sep 2016
The 6th Meeting of the Continental Task Force (CTF) on the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA), commenced on Monday in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting was organized by the Department of...
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World leaders at UN summit adopt ‘bold’ plan to enhance protections for refugees and migrants

World leaders at UN summit adopt ‘bold’ plan to enhance protections for refugees and migrants

20 Sep 2016
With more people forced to flee their homes than at any time since World War II, world leaders came together at the United Nations on 19 September 2016 to adopt the New York D...
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New AU financing formula and WTO law: some unknowns

New AU financing formula and WTO law: some unknowns

20 Sep 2016
At its July 2016 summit in Kigali, Rwanda, the AU Assembly held a special retreat to consider new proposals intended to ensure that the AU “is financed in a predictable, sustaina...
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Ministers of Finance agree on the roadmap for implementing the 0.2% import levy to fund the AU

Ministers of Finance agree on the roadmap for implementing the 0.2% import levy to fund the AU

20 Sep 2016
African Union two-day conference of Ministers of Finance concluded with the general consensus on the need to speedily implement the Financing of the African Union by 2017. The con...
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CEOs and world leaders meet at United Nations to activate private sector on refugee and migrant crisis

CEOs and world leaders meet at United Nations to activate private sector on refugee and migrant crisis

20 Sep 2016
On 19 September 2016, more than 350 chief executives, Heads of State and Government, UN and civil society leaders gathered at the United Nations for the annual UN Private...
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Agriculture drives Uganda’s success in reducing poverty

Agriculture drives Uganda’s success in reducing poverty

20 Sep 2016
Farms, cities and good fortune – assessing poverty reduction in Uganda from 2006 to 2013 Uganda has made big strides in reducing poverty. Much of Uganda’s progress has been du...
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Export growth facility fund; why are exporters shunning the facility?

Export growth facility fund; why are exporters shunning the facility?

20 Sep 2016
Last year, government launched the export growth facility fund as part of the strategy to boost exports and narrow down the widening trade deficit gap. The aim according to Franco...
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Ethiopia’s Sustainable Tourism Master Plan 2015-2025

Ethiopia’s Sustainable Tourism Master Plan 2015-2025

20 Sep 2016
ECA’s deputy executive secretary, Giovanie Biha, has handed over Ethiopia’s Tourism Master Plan to the country’s minister of tourism and culture, Mrs. Aisha Mohammed Mussa. ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

19 Sep 2016
The selection: Monday, 19 September 2016 Starting today: The 6th Meeting of the Continental Task Force discusses fast-tracking the establishment of the CFTA (‏@AUTradeIndustry)...
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