

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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AU on free movement of people and goods and its implications on peace and security in Africa

AU on free movement of people and goods and its implications on peace and security in Africa

28 Feb 2017
The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), at its 661st meeting held on 23 February 2017, at the ministerial level, adopted the following decision on Free...
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Kagame meets govt officials, AU experts to review progress

Kagame meets govt officials, AU experts to review progress

28 Feb 2017
Senior government officials, leaders of civil society and the private sector in Rwanda are meeting to discuss government performance. At the National Leadership Retreat know...
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Sustainable African businesses can help unlock US$12 trillion in new market value

Sustainable African businesses can help unlock US$12 trillion in new market value

28 Feb 2017
Launch of African Better Business, Better World report in Kenya puts African CEOs and entrepreneurs in spotlight as drivers of a sustainable future African business leaders and en...
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What will it take to improve Rwanda’s trade imbalance?

What will it take to improve Rwanda’s trade imbalance?

28 Feb 2017
Rwanda’s trade balance has been deteriorating over the years due to the continued higher import bill compared to export receipts. The mismatch between imports and exports is mai...
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How should the UK trade with developing countries after Brexit?

How should the UK trade with developing countries after Brexit?

28 Feb 2017
In a previous blog, Traidcraft presented their views on how the UK should trade with the world post-Brexit. Now that it is clear that the UK is going to be leaving the Customs...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

27 Feb 2017
Starting today, in Abidjan: ECOWAS, Partners review long-term election observation missions in West Africa Mukhisa Kituyi: ‘Africa needs more mutual trade in these times of econ...
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Barriers hurting cross-border trade

Barriers hurting cross-border trade

27 Feb 2017
Non-compliance of regional trade agreements by Rwanda’s neighbours is taking a heavy toll on the nation’s earnings from cross-border trade. Legislators are concerned tha...
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EPA trade deal with Europe is a form of colonialism, says Magufuli

EPA trade deal with Europe is a form of colonialism, says Magufuli

27 Feb 2017
Tanzanian President John Magufuli Sunday described the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) as a “form of colonialism”, dampening the country’s possibility of signing the dea...
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BRICS diplomats support China’s free-trade advocacy

BRICS diplomats support China’s free-trade advocacy

27 Feb 2017
Senior BRICS country diplomats voiced support on Friday for China’s call for boosting free trade and opposing protectionism as emerging markets work together to inject power into...
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Food insecurity and poverty pose major challenge to goal of ending hunger by 2030 in sub-Saharan Africa

Food insecurity and poverty pose major challenge to goal of ending hunger by 2030 in sub-Saharan Africa

27 Feb 2017
FAO report stresses need to increase agricultural productivity Some 153 million people, representing about 26 percent of the population above 15 years of age in sub-Saharan Africa...
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Trump and Africa: Imagining a positive legacy

Trump and Africa: Imagining a positive legacy

27 Feb 2017
The contours of Trump’s Africa policy are emerging, although key appointments, such as the assistant secretary of state for African affairs, have yet to be made. On February 13,...
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Aviation experts brainstorm on how airlines can keep afloat, in business

Aviation experts brainstorm on how airlines can keep afloat, in business

27 Feb 2017
For two days, last week, Kigali hosted a continental aviation forum that brought together over 500 delegates from over 50 institutions and firms with multiple conversations about t...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

24 Feb 2017
Diarise: Trade Out of Poverty‏ @APPG_TOP: Next month, we’re partnering with @DFID_UK to host a high level roundtable on “Africa & the TFA: from ratification to...
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New evidence overturns traditional approaches to agriculture investment

New evidence overturns traditional approaches to agriculture investment

24 Feb 2017
The majority of the world’s poor live in rural areas, with 70 percent of the rural poor working in agriculture. Ramping up agricultural productivity will be critical to lifting t...
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Agribusiness trade as a pillar of development: Measurement and patterns

Agribusiness trade as a pillar of development: Measurement and patterns

24 Feb 2017
Agribusiness is en vogue, fostered by a new understanding of the agricultural sector as a major contributor to overall growth and poverty reduction and through its linkages with th...
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Next gen, ‘lightning’ fast global communication network on track for 2020 entry – UN agency

Next gen, ‘lightning’ fast global communication network on track for 2020 entry – UN agency

24 Feb 2017
A working group of the United Nations agency which coordinates telecommunication operations and services throughout the world completed today a cycle of studies on the key performa...
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Tanzania demands study on impact of EU trade deal

Tanzania demands study on impact of EU trade deal

24 Feb 2017
Tanzania wants a study conducted on the impact of the Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union on the East African Community, ahead of the Summit of Heads of State ...
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The IMF’s work on inequality: Bridging research and reality

The IMF’s work on inequality: Bridging research and reality

24 Feb 2017
IMF research shows that while trade and technology are important drivers of inequality, government policies also matter. The Fund is building on years of research to offer member c...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

23 Feb 2017
African trade and regional integration policy issues featured in debate at yesterday’s Africa Knowledge Fest in Washington: scan @WorldBankAfrica tweets, or #AfricaKnowledgeFest ...
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South Africa Budget Speech 2017/18: Transformation for Inclusive Growth

South Africa Budget Speech 2017/18: Transformation for Inclusive Growth

23 Feb 2017
South African Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan delivered the national Budget Speech for 2017/18 on 22 February in Pretoria. Below are extracts from his speech. I have the privilege...
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