

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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SADC approve R40m grants to Madagascar, Seychelles

SADC approve R40m grants to Madagascar, Seychelles

12 Jun 2017
SADC has approved to give R20 million each to Madagascar and Seychelles to help the two island nations improve their participation in regional and international trade. The grants ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

09 Jun 2017
Continental Free Trade Area Negotiating Forum updates (i) Extract from an AU statement: Niger’s Minister of Trade and Private Sector, Mr. Sadou Seydou, underscored that the CFTA...
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Sixth Meeting of the Continental Free Trade Area Negotiating Forum (CFTA-NF) kicks off

Sixth Meeting of the Continental Free Trade Area Negotiating Forum (CFTA-NF) kicks off

09 Jun 2017
The African Union Commission (AUC), in collaboration with the Government of Niger, is organizing the sixth Meeting of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) Negotiating Forum from ...
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Mauritius Budget Speech 2017-18

Mauritius Budget Speech 2017-18

09 Jun 2017
Rising to the challenge of our ambitions Budget Speech delivered by Hon. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, Minister of Finance and Economic Development,​ on 8 June 2017 When this Governm...
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Tanzania Budget Speech 2017-18

Tanzania Budget Speech 2017-18

09 Jun 2017
Speech by the Minister for Finance and Planning, Hon. Dr. Philip I. Mpango, for the estimates of Government revenue and expenditure for 2017/18 This is the second budget submitted...
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Africa, Europe are not threats to each other – Kagame

Africa, Europe are not threats to each other – Kagame

09 Jun 2017
African and European countries should work together to foster domestic and global development instead of looking at each other as threats, President Paul Kagame has said. The...
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Uganda: Background to the Budget 2017-18

Uganda: Background to the Budget 2017-18

09 Jun 2017
Industrialisation for Job Creation and Shared Prosperity Introduction The Budget for Fiscal Year 2017/18 is themed: “Industrialisation for Job Creation and Shared Prosperity”...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

08 Jun 2017
Featured tweets, @AdanMohamedCS: Kenya is set to host the 2nd Commonwealth SME Trade Summit in October 2018. [It] will provide a forum to link Kenyan MSMEs to opportunities in the...
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Digital radically changes global investment patterns, says World Investment Report 2017

Digital radically changes global investment patterns, says World Investment Report 2017

08 Jun 2017
In the first ranking of its kind, UNCTAD report shows that three countries are home to 75% of the top 100 digital multinationals. What did not exist in 2007? Instagram, Uber and 3...
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Record ‘green’ energy capacity added in 2016 as cost for renewables plunges – UN-backed report

Record ‘green’ energy capacity added in 2016 as cost for renewables plunges – UN-backed report

08 Jun 2017
The world is now adding more green energy capacity each year than it adds in new capacity from all fossil fuels combined, a United Nations-backed report revealed on Wednesday, show...
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AfDB to work with African Central Banks to increase national savings

AfDB to work with African Central Banks to increase national savings

08 Jun 2017
The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Governors of Central Banks in Africa have resolved to strengthen cooperation on a range of issues to curb illegal financial outflows, bo...
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The G20 ‘Compact with Africa’ is not for Africa’s poor: The Finance Framework

The G20 ‘Compact with Africa’ is not for Africa’s poor: The Finance Framework

08 Jun 2017
A key pillar of the G20 Africa Partnership is the ‘Compact with Africa’ (CwA), an initiative within the G20’s finance track, coordinated by the German Federal Minis...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

07 Jun 2017
A strong set of event pointers, launches introduces today’s news selection: Today, is African Border Day: a message from AUC Peace and Security Commissioner, Ambassador Smail Ch...
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Intellectual property and the public interest

Intellectual property and the public interest

07 Jun 2017
This document has been submitted by the delegations of Brazil, China, Fiji, India and South Africa for discussion at the Formal Meeting of the TRIPS Council, taking place on 13-14 ...
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The clock is ticking for World leaders to generate wealth from sustainable fisheries

The clock is ticking for World leaders to generate wealth from sustainable fisheries

07 Jun 2017
UNCTAD will organize an event themed “Enhancing trade opportunities for Least Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States through the fisheries sector” to address c...
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UNCTAD and other global influencers gather to discuss eliminating harmful fisheries subsidies at UN Ocean Conference

UNCTAD and other global influencers gather to discuss eliminating harmful fisheries subsidies at UN Ocean Conference

07 Jun 2017
UNCTAD at the Oceans Conference is working towards a call for action on a binding global agreement to end certain forms of fisheries subsidies Why are fishery subsidies so harmful...
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High Level Panel on Migration in Africa launched with Liberia’s Sirleaf as chair

High Level Panel on Migration in Africa launched with Liberia’s Sirleaf as chair

07 Jun 2017
“Just last week, some forty young men and women died of thirst in the Sahara Desert, while trying to reach Europe. More than a thousand have perished in the Mediterranean Sea sin...
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African Border Day: Message from AUC Peace and Security Commissioner Amb. Smail Chergui

African Border Day: Message from AUC Peace and Security Commissioner Amb. Smail Chergui

07 Jun 2017
African Border Day celebration 2017 Message from AU Commissioner for Peace and Security, Ambassador Smail Chergui (Algeria) Dear Fellow Africans, On the 7th of June 2017, we wil...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

06 Jun 2017
The African Statistical Yearbook 2017 is launched (UNECA) The Yearbook series is a result of joint efforts by major African regional organizations to set up a joint data coll...
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Brexit dashboards: Africa-UK regional factsheets

Brexit dashboards: Africa-UK regional factsheets

06 Jun 2017
The economic fallout from Brexit – the UK’s withdrawal from the EU – may have wide-ranging implications for many Sub-Saharan African countries. The main transmission channels...
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