

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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May has got her Brexit breakthrough, now for the hard part

May has got her Brexit breakthrough, now for the hard part

08 Dec 2017
The U.K. and the European Union struck a deal to unlock divorce negotiations, opening the way for talks on what businesses are keenest to nail down – the nature of the post-...
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Final Declaration of the 5th African Union-European Union Summit

Final Declaration of the 5th African Union-European Union Summit

07 Dec 2017
Investing in Youth for Accelerated Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development Declaration We, the Heads of State and Government of Member States of the African Union (AU) a...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

07 Dec 2017
In Harare today: Finance and Economic Planning minister Patrick Chinamasa presented the first budget in the post-Robert Mugabe era. Previews from NewsDay, Bloomberg. Access the ful...
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Zimbabwe: National Budget Statement for 2018

Zimbabwe: National Budget Statement for 2018

07 Dec 2017
Presented to the Parliament of Zimbabwe on Thursday, December 7, 2017 by Hon. Patrick A. Chinamasa, Minister of Finance and Economic Development Foreword The 2018 National Budget...
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AU Trade Commissioner says Africa doing right to create FTA

AU Trade Commissioner says Africa doing right to create FTA

07 Dec 2017
Africa is doing the right thing in creating the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) despite the current retreat from multilateralism, Albert Muchanga, the African Union’s Commissi...
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AfDB’s Regional Integration Strategy: African leaders gather in Abidjan

AfDB’s Regional Integration Strategy: African leaders gather in Abidjan

07 Dec 2017
“Integrate Africa”, the fourth of the African Development Bank (AfDB’s) five strategic development priorities, the High 5s, was the central theme of discussions with regional...
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Trade and Development in Numbers: Handbook offers crucial economic data for global decision-makers

Trade and Development in Numbers: Handbook offers crucial economic data for global decision-makers

07 Dec 2017
UNCTAD has launched its annual Handbook of Statistics in a new, user-friendly format to celebrate its fiftieth year of publication. The 2017 edition has been overhauled e...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

06 Dec 2017
Anthony Carroll: Forging a new era in US-South African relations (Africa Center, Atlantic Council) This report assesses the potential role of the US in assuring South Africa’s p...
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Forging a new era in US-South African relations

Forging a new era in US-South African relations

06 Dec 2017
As Anthony Carroll details in the Africa Center’s newest report, Forging a New Era in US-South African Relations, the United States has a significant stake in Sout...
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Manufacturing the future of Kenya – Africa’s industrial hub

Manufacturing the future of Kenya – Africa’s industrial hub

06 Dec 2017
This story line never gets old, around 1960; South Korea was on average poorer than Kenya. Fast forward to the 21st century and the divergent fortunes are equally awe-ins...
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Kenya Economic Update: Reviving private sector credit growth and boosting revenue mobilization to support fiscal consolidation

Kenya Economic Update: Reviving private sector credit growth and boosting revenue mobilization to support fiscal consolidation

06 Dec 2017
Poised to bounce back? This is a critical time for Kenya, as the incoming administrations at national and devolved levels face the high expectations of ordinary Kenyans to deliver...
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Group of WTO Members: Time to focus on gender as critical inclusion issue

Group of WTO Members: Time to focus on gender as critical inclusion issue

06 Dec 2017
A coalition of developed and developing economies is expected to unveil a declaration in Buenos Aires outlining several steps they plan to take over the coming two years towards in...
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Taxes, debt and development: A one-percent rule to raise revenues in Africa

Taxes, debt and development: A one-percent rule to raise revenues in Africa

06 Dec 2017
Tax revenues play a critical role for countries to create room in their budgets to increase spending on social services like health and education, and public investment. At a time...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

05 Dec 2017
ECDPM has, today, launched a series of policy briefs on the Political Economy Dynamics of Regional Organisations in Africa Launching, on Thursday, in Nairobi: East African Cross-B...
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Africa must look inwards for workable solutions to its governance challenges

Africa must look inwards for workable solutions to its governance challenges

05 Dec 2017
To achieve structural transformation on the continent, Africa must look for homegrown solutions and learn from its own experience, participants at the 12th African Economic Confere...
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Ending child marriage could generate $3 billion in annual benefits for Uganda’s population by 2030

Ending child marriage could generate $3 billion in annual benefits for Uganda’s population by 2030

05 Dec 2017
Ending child marriage today could generate $3 billion per year for Uganda by 2030, says a new report published by the World Bank. In contrast, the perpetuation of child marriage wo...
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Zambia Economic Brief: how Zambia can borrow without sorrow

Zambia Economic Brief: how Zambia can borrow without sorrow

05 Dec 2017
The tenth Zambia Economic Brief has been published by the World Bank Group with a focus section on sustainable borrowing and improved debt management. Regional economic ...
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Open borders will do more good than harm, say experts

Open borders will do more good than harm, say experts

05 Dec 2017
President Uhuru Kenyatta’s directive to open up Kenyan borders for East Africans will have a more positive than negative impact, players in various sectors have said. The player...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

04 Dec 2017
The African Ministers of Trade ministerial concluded over the weekend in Niamey. The UNECA has released this summary of progress towards the CFTA: “Substantial progress was made,...
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CFTA Update – 4th Meeting of the AMOT, Niger

CFTA Update – 4th Meeting of the AMOT, Niger

04 Dec 2017
An intense four weeks of CFTA negotiations, including meetings of the Technical Working Groups, the Negotiating Forum, and the Senior Trade Officials, culminated in a pivotal meeti...
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