

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Trade in services for inclusive and sustainable development: Water and sanitation, energy and food-related logistics

Trade in services for inclusive and sustainable development: Water and sanitation, energy and food-related logistics

08 May 2018
Experts met in Geneva from 7-8 May 2018 to examine how to facilitate and expand services trade to achieve the relevant Sustainable Development Goals under the 2030 Agenda, with a f...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

07 May 2018
The two-day Ministerial Session of the EAC Council starts today in Arusha. The meeting will, inter alia, consider the Status of Implementation of the EAC Brand Architecture Strateg...
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President Kagame co-chairs Broadband Commission Meeting, addresses Transform Africa Economic Forum

President Kagame co-chairs Broadband Commission Meeting, addresses Transform Africa Economic Forum

07 May 2018
President Paul Kagame this morning co-chaired the opening of the 2018 Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development Annual Spring Meeting alongside Co-chair, Carlos Slim, a...
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Africa’s free trade agreement hinges on commitment and implementation

Africa’s free trade agreement hinges on commitment and implementation

07 May 2018
Forty-four African countries recently signed a framework protocol for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), inching the continent closer to becoming one of the world’...
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Whose responsibility is it to scale up arbitration in Africa?

Whose responsibility is it to scale up arbitration in Africa?

07 May 2018
Last week, May 3-4, 2018, I attended the 4th Edition of the SOAS Arbitration in Africa Conference held in Kigali, organised by the Kigali International Arbitration Centre (KIAC). ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

04 May 2018
Consultant to support the AfCFTA negotiations process: The consultant will, inter alia, perform the following key tasks: Assist in the finalization of the annexes to the AfCFTA Ag...
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Nigeria Economic Update: Connecting to compete

Nigeria Economic Update: Connecting to compete

04 May 2018
According to the World Bank Nigeria Bi-annual Economic Update released on 2 May, Nigeria emerged from recession in 2017. Titled Connecting to Compete, the repo...
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Eastern Africa has doubled its income per capita in a decade: ECA

Eastern Africa has doubled its income per capita in a decade: ECA

04 May 2018
Eastern Africa continues to grow rapidly. As a result, the region’s average per capita income reached 740 USD in 2016, double the figure ten years earlier. “Albeit from a very...
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Debt warning lights flash for poorest countries, experts say

Debt warning lights flash for poorest countries, experts say

04 May 2018
Top economists from UNCTAD and the International Monetary Fund agree it’s time to sound the alarm on rising public debt in many low-income countries but disagree on how loudly th...
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DG Azevêdo launches report on role of trade in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

DG Azevêdo launches report on role of trade in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

04 May 2018
WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo met UN Secretary-General António Guterres on 3 May 2018 to present him with a new WTO report on how trade is contributing to achieving the Un...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

03 May 2018
Underway, in Sandton: The Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum. The keynote address was delivered by President Cyril Ramaphosa. AfCFTA updates, analysis: (i) The ...
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SA, Japan to fast-track economic growth

SA, Japan to fast-track economic growth

03 May 2018
The Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum is expected to accelerate the promotion of private sector-led economic growth by encouraging networking among African and Japanese co...
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President Kenyatta presents scorecard, rallies support for Big Four Agenda

President Kenyatta presents scorecard, rallies support for Big Four Agenda

03 May 2018
President Uhuru Kenyatta on 2 May presented to Parliament a comprehensive scorecard of his Government’s achievements on areas of national values, security and Kenya’s obligatio...
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Kenya: MPs approve Africa free trade zone pact

Kenya: MPs approve Africa free trade zone pact

03 May 2018
Parliament has approved the continental free-trade zone pact, making Kenya the first African country to offer legal backing to the continental trading bloc. The National Assembly ...
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African Continental Free Trade Area will enhance the ease of doing business – Amb. Chinedu Osakwe

African Continental Free Trade Area will enhance the ease of doing business – Amb. Chinedu Osakwe

03 May 2018
Director General of the Nigerian Office for Trade Negotiations (NOTN), Ambassador Chinedu Osakwe, said the African situation is the basis for economic operations and integration. T...
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Infrastructure development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A scorecard

Infrastructure development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A scorecard

03 May 2018
Infrastructure is viewed as a crucial ingredient to foster growth and productivity. Amid the post-global financial crisis slowdown, Sub-Saharan Africa is in dire need to continue t...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

02 May 2018
A New Times interview with Donald Kaberuka: Reforming the AU is not a choice of the few, but an imperative for all A reposting, from tralac: The consolidated draft text of the AfC...
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SA disappointed at US steel tariff decision

SA disappointed at US steel tariff decision

02 May 2018
South Africa has expressed disappointment at not being granted exemption from the US Section 232 steel and aluminium tariff duties. On Monday, US President Donald Trump signed Pro...
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India-South Africa Business Summit 2018: “United by Legacy, Unified for Prosperity”

India-South Africa Business Summit 2018: “United by Legacy, Unified for Prosperity”

02 May 2018
The much anticipated India-South Africa Business Summit 2018 (ISABS 2018) concluded on 30 April 2018 at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg with a session on ‘India ...
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Manufacturing sector and Nigeria’s economic growth pattern

Manufacturing sector and Nigeria’s economic growth pattern

02 May 2018
Redesigning Policy Intervention for Inclusive Growth Since the year 2000, Nigeria’s economic growth has not delivered significant poverty and unemployment reduction. While GDP g...
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