

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Productive transformation is a must for Africa – AU Committee

Productive transformation is a must for Africa – AU Committee

11 Mar 2019
African Union Ministers of Finance, Economy and Integration call on formulation of clear and concise public policies in accelerating the process of productive transformation in Afr...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

08 Mar 2019
Our profiled International Women’s Day feature: Women are at the heart of African cities. The continent needs urban policies that empower them (CityMetric) Growing evidence sugg...
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Trade and gender training, new research and EIF initiative announced on Women’s Day at WTO

Trade and gender training, new research and EIF initiative announced on Women’s Day at WTO

08 Mar 2019
World Trade Organisation (WTO) Director-General Roberto Azevêdo announced new efforts for women’s economic empowerment through trade, including a training module and new researc...
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Expert Group Meeting on Trade Finance: Informal report by the WTO Secretariat

Expert Group Meeting on Trade Finance: Informal report by the WTO Secretariat

08 Mar 2019
Introduction The objective of the February 2019 meeting was twofold: (i) to take stock of the current market situation; (ii) discuss progress on initiatives aimed at addressing th...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

07 Mar 2019
Diarise: The IDA19 replenishment process will be held in June, in Addis Ababa. A backgrounder on the IDA19 Replenishment A preview of next Tuesday’s Zimbabwe-South Africa Bi-Nat...
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Africa-Europe Alliance: European Commission committed to a sustainable African agri-food sector

Africa-Europe Alliance: European Commission committed to a sustainable African agri-food sector

07 Mar 2019Topic NewsAgriculture and commodities
The Task Force for Rural Africa delivered today its final report, an agri-food and rural agenda for the new ‘Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs’ unveile...
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South African Government intervenes to save the poultry industry

South African Government intervenes to save the poultry industry

07 Mar 2019
The South African government continues to deploy a number of interventions to support the poultry industry. These include measures to boost competitiveness, value-addition and te...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

06 Mar 2019
AU Ministers of Trade, Industry and Mineral Resources: final declaration of STC meeting (11-12 January, Kigali) on the theme The entry into force of the agreement establishing the ...
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Final Declaration of the 2nd STC of the AU Ministers of Trade, Industry and Mineral Resources

Final Declaration of the 2nd STC of the AU Ministers of Trade, Industry and Mineral Resources

06 Mar 2019
WE, the African Union (AU) Ministers of Trade, Industry and Minerals, meeting in our 2nd Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee of the Ministers of Trade, Industry...
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There is a time for everything: the African Continental Free Trade Area

There is a time for everything: the African Continental Free Trade Area

06 Mar 2019
Remarks by Dr. Donald Kaberuka at the 23rd East Africa Law Society Annual Conference in Mombasa, Kenya, 30 November 2018 Thank you and Good Morning. It is a pleasure to be here.&...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

05 Mar 2019
Featured tweet, @CelestinMonga: Sierra Leone ($500 income per capita) imports onions from the Netherlands, 7,000 kilometers away. Why? It takes more than one month to import fresh,...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

04 Mar 2019
JETRO’s 2018 survey on business conditions of Japanese-affiliated firms in Africa: Chinese companies emerge as top competitors for the first time (JETRO) Regarding cooperation w...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

01 Mar 2019
Featured tweet, infographic, @fadyhocheimy: So I sent DHL from Gambia to Senegal and this is how it traveled to get there. There is a direct 25 min flight almost daily between Gamb...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

28 Feb 2019
The WTO’s General Council meets in Geneva. Kenya, Cuba, Bolivia and Laos have associated themselves with the submission by China, India, South Africa and Venezuela on The co...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

27 Feb 2019
AfCFTA ratification update, @AUC_MoussaFaki: “Egypt’s parliament approves ratification of the AfCFTA, bringing total parliamentary approvals to 19, of which 15 have alrea...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

26 Feb 2019
The new head of Afreximbank’s Southern Africa Regional Office: Humphrey Nwugo The AfDB has posted an EOI for a trade and regional integration expert to work on, inter alia, the ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

25 Feb 2019
African trade events to diarise: South Africa’s Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry will, on Wednesday, be briefed by the Department of Trade and Industry on ongoing n...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

22 Feb 2019
Marking two years since the TFA entered into force: An Update on the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement and African countries This tralac Trade Brief gives an account of the current...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

21 Feb 2019
Diarise: SADC Council of Ministers meeting (15-16 March, Windhoek). Ministers will consider a number of strategic documents, receive reports on the implementation of the priority a...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

20 Feb 2019
The continued relevance of S&DT in favour of Developing Members to promote development and ensure inclusiveness: a communication from China, India, South Africa and Venezuela c...
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