

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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SADC Council recommends adoption of kiSwahili

SADC Council recommends adoption of kiSwahili

16 Aug 2019
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Council of Ministers has recommended the adoption of kiSwahili as the fourth official language of the regional body alongside...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

15 Aug 2019
Towards the AfCFTA Country Business Index: ad-hoc expert group meeting to review methodological approach The ECA has proposed the establishment of an AfCFTA Country Business Index...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

14 Aug 2019
Two commentaries on intra-African trade, pointing to the potential impact of the AfCFTA: Global Trade Review’s (GTR) Africa trade briefing: Rebecca Harding, CEO of Coriolis...
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United Republic of Tanzania assumes Chairpersonship of SADC Council of Ministers

United Republic of Tanzania assumes Chairpersonship of SADC Council of Ministers

14 Aug 2019
Hon. Professor Palamagamba John Kabudi, Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation of the United Republic of Tanzania, on 13 August 2019 assumed Chairpersonship of th...
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“EAC Staff desert stations over pay”: EAC Press Statement – Clarification of issues

“EAC Staff desert stations over pay”: EAC Press Statement – Clarification of issues

14 Aug 2019
Our attention has been drawn to issues raised in a story by The East African Newspaper edition of 10th – 16th August, 2019 headlined “EAC Staff desert stations over pay”. At...
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SADC develops regional industry protocol

SADC develops regional industry protocol

14 Aug 2019
A legal instrument that aims to improve the policy environment for industrial development and support implementation will be presented for approval by the 39th SADC Summit tha...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

13 Aug 2019
Featured tweet, @jattamensah: Ghana, with the AU and the ECA, will host a conference on the implementation of the AfCFTA from 19-21 August (Accra). The keynote speaker is the prime...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

08 Aug 2019
The 39th Ordinary Summit of the Heads of State and Government of SADC, and preceding meetings, starts tomorrow in Dar es Salaam, ending on 18 August Funding the AfCFTA Secretariat...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

07 Aug 2019
Featured tweet, @Yadeyemi: The AU is developing a continental trade facilitation strategy with a concrete implementation plan involving ICT, logistics, SMEs, NTBs, etc, the AU told...
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Joint Statement between the United States of America and the African Union concerning the development of the African Continental Free Trade Area

Joint Statement between the United States of America and the African Union concerning the development of the African Continental Free Trade Area

07 Aug 2019Topic NewsAfrican trade and integration
Deputy United States Trade Representative C.J. Mahoney and African Union Commission Commissioner for Trade and Industry Albert Muchanga on 5 August 2019 signed a joint statement co...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

06 Aug 2019
4th SADC Industrialisation Week: selected updates President Magufuli pushes for intra-African trade. Opening the 4th SADC Industrialisation Week and Exhibition in Dar es Salaa...
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39th SADC Summit: Towards Inclusive, Sustainable Industrial Development

39th SADC Summit: Towards Inclusive, Sustainable Industrial Development

06 Aug 2019
Leaders from southern Africa are meeting for their annual summit next week to chart the development agenda of the region. Running under the theme “A Conducive Environment f...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

05 Aug 2019
The Ministerial Session of the 2019 AGOA Forum began to today in Abidjan: selected updates The theme of this year’s Forum is AGOA and the Future: Developing a new trade para...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

02 Aug 2019
Diarise: tralac’s Certificate Course on International Trade Law and Policy for Africa’s Development (starting 23 September): Applications close on 9 August East Afric...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

01 Aug 2019
Today’s featured tweets, by Lily Sommer, are on the @ATPC2 and @afreximbank coordination meeting on informal cross border trade: A single harmonised continental framework for co...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

31 Jul 2019
Uganda Revenue Authority Commissioner for Customs, Dicksons Kateshumbwa, was recently elected as the World Customs Organisation Council chairperson. Extracts from an interview: ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

30 Jul 2019
SACU’s reforms in shreds (Southern Times) Namibia’s Finance Minister Calle Schlettwein, who last week became the chairperson of the SACU Council of Minister, admitted to The S...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

29 Jul 2019
Diarise: The launch of UNCTAD’s Digital Economy Report 2019 (4 August) Featured infographic, @martinslabber: “Good news, as South Africa’s total trade with Germany increases...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

26 Jul 2019
Is the AfCFTA practical?: a CNBC interview with Rudi Steinbach (World Bank Africa specialist) Regional growth spillovers in Sub-Saharan Africa (IMF) This paper attempts to shed l...
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Regional growth spillovers in sub-Saharan Africa

Regional growth spillovers in sub-Saharan Africa

26 Jul 2019
After close to two decades of strong economic activity, growth in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) decelerated markedly from 2015-16, to its lowest level in more than 20 years at 1.4 perce...
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