

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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COVID-19: UN calls on governments to help landlocked neighbours

COVID-19: UN calls on governments to help landlocked neighbours

10 Jun 2020
Well-functioning transit transport services and procedures are essential to ensure people in landlocked developing countries have timely access to medical products and basic goods ...
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COVID-19 to plunge global economy into worst recession since World War II

COVID-19 to plunge global economy into worst recession since World War II

09 Jun 2020
The global economic outlook during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A changed world The swift and massive shock of the coronavirus pandemic and shutdown measures to contain it have plunged ...
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tralac’s Daily News selection

tralac’s Daily News selection

09 Jun 2020
Diarise, Thursday (11 June): Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda are expected to table their respective 2020/2021 national budgets. Industrialists are lobbying, through the EABC, f...
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tralac’s Daily News selection

tralac’s Daily News selection

08 Jun 2020
Africa eyes the world’s top trade job — but spars over its candidate (Politico) A political heavy-hitter from Nigeria is shaking up the race to lead the World Trade Organizati...
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Status of Integration in the Southern African Development Community

Status of Integration in the Southern African Development Community

08 Jun 2020Topic NewsAfrican trade and integration
The Status of Integration in the SADC Region Report highlights the key achievements and successes made by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in the area of regional ...
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tralac’s Daily News selection

tralac’s Daily News selection

05 Jun 2020
Buhari nominates Okonjo-Iweala as Nigeria’s candidate for WTO’s DG election (Premium Times) Nigeria has nominated a former Minister of Finance, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, as its can...
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AfCFTA remains Africa’s ambitious plan to prosperity even in midst of COVID-19

AfCFTA remains Africa’s ambitious plan to prosperity even in midst of COVID-19

05 Jun 2020
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is still the agreement with great potential to foster regional economic integration and economic growth, and take Africa to the nex...
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tralac’s Daily News selection

tralac’s Daily News selection

04 Jun 2020
Rosa Whitaker, Stephen Lande: US trade is key to driving Africa’s post-coronavirus recovery (US News) AGOA expires in 2025. Ideally it would be superseded by a US-Africa free tr...
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tralac’s Daily News selection

tralac’s Daily News selection

03 Jun 2020
The AfDB has posted its North Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper 2020-2026 The North Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper (RISP-NA) 2020-2026 has been designed to su...
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tralac’s Daily News selection

tralac’s Daily News selection

02 Jun 2020
COVID-19 and trade in SSA: impacts and policy response (World Bank) Measures taken to curtail the spread of COVID-19 have led to a sharp contraction of the global economy and an e...
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COVID-19 and trade in SSA: Impacts and policy response

COVID-19 and trade in SSA: Impacts and policy response

02 Jun 2020
COVID-19 will have a severe economic impact in Sub-Saharan Africa: Trade is the Key Channel The COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a public health crisis. However, measures a...
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tralac’s Daily News selection

tralac’s Daily News selection

01 Jun 2020
Diarise: The OACPS hosts (3 June) first-ever Inter-Sessional Summit on the theme: Transcending the COVID-19 pandemic. It will be chaired by Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta. ec...
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EAC partner states adopt the EAC Regional Electronic Cargo and Drivers Tracking System

EAC partner states adopt the EAC Regional Electronic Cargo and Drivers Tracking System

01 Jun 2020Topic NewsServices trade facilitation and customs
EAC Partner States have adopted the EAC Regional Electronic Cargo and Drivers Tracking System that will be hosted at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. The system is expect...
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The impact of COVID-19 on African Oil Sector: A special report by AFREC on the implications on African Countries

The impact of COVID-19 on African Oil Sector: A special report by AFREC on the implications on African Countries

01 Jun 2020Topic NewsTrade and the environment
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is bringing unprecedented changes to the world. Its impact and the necessary response of governments will mean that the next one to two years at least w...
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Summary of Specific Negotiating Objectives for the initiation of United States-Kenya trade agreement negotiations

Summary of Specific Negotiating Objectives for the initiation of United States-Kenya trade agreement negotiations

29 May 2020Topic NewsGlobal trade governance
Introduction On March 17, 2020, the Trump Administration notified Congress that the President intends to negotiate a trade agreement with the Republic of Kenya, in accordance with...
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SARS releases merchandise trade statistics for April 2020

SARS releases merchandise trade statistics for April 2020

29 May 2020Topic NewsTrade data analysis and visualisation
The South African Revenue Service (SARS) today released trade statistics for April 2020 recording a trade deficit of R35.02 billion. These statistics include trade data with Botswa...
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COVID-19: Act now or risk ‘unimaginable devastation’ globally, warns UN chief

COVID-19: Act now or risk ‘unimaginable devastation’ globally, warns UN chief

29 May 2020
Unless countries across the world act together now, the COVID-19 pandemic will cause “unimaginable devastation and suffering around the world”, UN Secretary-General António Gu...
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tralac’s Daily News selection

tralac’s Daily News selection

28 May 2020
Happening tomorrow: The SADC Council of Ministers meets. They will review the regional guidelines for the harmonisation and facilitation of movement of critical goods and serv...
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COVID-19 heightens need for pharmaceutical production in poor countries

COVID-19 heightens need for pharmaceutical production in poor countries

27 May 2020
UNCTAD and the WHO have teamed up to respond to the urgent call to boost local production of essential medicines in developing countries. With more than 100 projects to develop a ...
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tralac’s Daily News selection

tralac’s Daily News selection

27 May 2020
The inaugural virtual meeting of the Kenya-US Free Trade Agreement Negotiations Secretariat took place today, Kenya’s CS Trade and Industry Betty Maina has announced. Ghana’s ...
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