

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Tag: Industrial policy

Why has Africa failed to industrialize?

Why has Africa failed to industrialize?

08 Aug 16  News
Experts call for bold and creative policies At no point in recent history have calls for Africa to industrialize been stronger than they have been lately. Across the continent, in...
Manufacturing transformation: Comparative studies of industrial development in Africa and emerging Asia

Manufacturing transformation: Comparative studies of industrial development in Africa and emerging Asia

02 Aug 16  News
While it is possible for economies to grow based on abundant land or natural resources, more often structural change-the shift of resources from low-productivity to high-productivi...
SADC advances the industrialisation agenda

SADC advances the industrialisation agenda

02 Aug 16  News
Southern Africa is considering a series of bold measures to advance the aspirations of member states as outlined in the Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap as the region moves t...
Board approves AfDB Group’s Industrialisation Strategy for Africa 2016-2025

Board approves AfDB Group’s Industrialisation Strategy for Africa 2016-2025

26 Jul 16  News
A road Map for scaling up Africa’s economic transformation Africa’s industrialization agenda, one of the Bank Group’s top priorities for the continent’s economic transform...
Ghana hosts 1st ECOWAS Industrial Summit

Ghana hosts 1st ECOWAS Industrial Summit

25 Jul 16  News
The First Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Industrial Summit, which aims to accelerate industrialization and private sector development in West Africa, has taken ...
South Africa: Tariff policy – does it matter?

South Africa: Tariff policy – does it matter?

13 Jul 16  Publications
In recent years South Africa has increasingly turned to changes in the SACU tariffs to stimulate its economy. These changes have included both decreases in the case of inputs into ...
Tanzania Budget Speech 2016/17: “Industrial Growth for Job Creation”

Tanzania Budget Speech 2016/17: “Industrial Growth for Job Creation”

09 Jun 16  News
Extracts from the speech by the Minister for Finance and Planning, Hon. Dr. Philip I. Mpango, introducing to the National Assembly, the Estimates of Government Revenue and Expendit...
tralac in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – 16-20 May 2016

tralac in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – 16-20 May 2016

01 Jun 16  Event
Workshop on trade related matters: African Trade Policy Centre During the week of 16-20 May, the African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC) and partners held a week-long workshop on trade...
Clothing global value chains and sub-Saharan Africa: Global exports, regional dynamics and industrial development outcomes

Clothing global value chains and sub-Saharan Africa: Global exports, regional dynamics and industrial development outcomes

01 Jun 16  News
This paper assesses the export-oriented clothing industry in the five main sub-Saharan African (SSA) clothing exporter countries (Mauritius, Madagascar, Kenya, Lesotho and Swazilan...
Harnessing FDI for job creation and industrialisation in Africa

Harnessing FDI for job creation and industrialisation in Africa

31 May 16  News
During the last decade and a half, African economies grew at nearly double the rate of the 1990s. However, the commodity boom obscured a key weakness in African economic ...
IPAP: Moving SA towards greater industrialisation

IPAP: Moving SA towards greater industrialisation

17 May 16  News
Earlier last week I joined the management and employees of Guestro Castings and Machining – a black-owned manufacturing company – to launch the eighth iteration of the country...
Department of Trade and Industry: Launch of the Industrial Policy Action Plan 2016/17 – 2018/19

Department of Trade and Industry: Launch of the Industrial Policy Action Plan 2016/17 – 2018/19

09 May 16  News
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies says there is now an even more pressing need for structural change in the economy, to break out of commodity dependence and m...
UNECA launches Transformative Industrial Policy for Africa

UNECA launches Transformative Industrial Policy for Africa

05 May 16  Publications
In April 2016, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa launched “Transformative Industrial Policy for Africa”, a Special Report authored by University of Cambridge de...
Analysing South Africa’s 2011-15 Depreciation: Trade, Sectoral and General Economic Consequences

Analysing South Africa’s 2011-15 Depreciation: Trade, Sectoral and General Economic Consequences

05 May 16  Publications
The South African Rand experienced an almost continual state of depreciation over the period 2011-2015, culminating in a massive risk premium shock to the currency, and an accelera...
Economic Report on Africa 2016 launched with emphasis on green, inclusive industrialization

Economic Report on Africa 2016 launched with emphasis on green, inclusive industrialization

04 Apr 16  News
The Economic Commission for Africa on Sunday launched its flagship Economic Report on Africa 2016 with the ECA’s Deputy Executive Secretary, Mr. Abdalla Hamdok, saying as a latec...
Transformative Industrial Policy for Africa:  Put manufacturing at the centre of development

Transformative Industrial Policy for Africa: Put manufacturing at the centre of development

04 Apr 16  News
“Countries can decide their development path. Countries become good at things because they want to excel at making those particular things,” renowned Development Economist Mr H...
African Development Week kicks off in Addis with calls for green industrialization

African Development Week kicks off in Addis with calls for green industrialization

01 Apr 16  News
The inaugural African Development Week opened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Thursday March 31, with various speakers urging participants to engage in constructive debates that will pro...
Experts challenge regional governments to use pension funds for industrialisation

Experts challenge regional governments to use pension funds for industrialisation

23 Mar 16  News
Southern Africa economic experts have challenged governments in the region to explore the viability of pension funds, financial services levies and sovereign wealth funds in financ...
North Africa: Combined efforts necessary to seize green industrialization opportunities

North Africa: Combined efforts necessary to seize green industrialization opportunities

07 Mar 16  News
The Economic Commission for Africa (Office for North Africa) concluded, Friday 4 March 2016 in Rabat, its 31st Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE). During this four day me...

Revised RISDP: A New Growth Path for SADC’s Industrial Development?

02 Mar 16  Publications
In April 2015, the Extra-Ordinary Summit of the Heads of State and Government from the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) adopted the Revised Regional Indicative Strategi...


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