

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Tag: Global economy

tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

14 Dec 18  News
Ahead of Monday’s IMF conference, The future of work in sub-Saharan Africa, in Accra, Ghana: a podcast with Axel Schimmelpfennig AfCFTA updates from this past week’s AMOT mini...
President Donald J. Trump’s Africa Strategy advances prosperity, security, and stability

President Donald J. Trump’s Africa Strategy advances prosperity, security, and stability

13 Dec 18  News
Remarks by National Security Advisor Ambassador John R. Bolton on the Trump Administration’s New Africa Strategy I’m delighted again to be here at the Heritage, an institution...
Reflections on COP24

Reflections on COP24

11 Dec 18  Blog
The 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (COP24) is currently taking place in Katowice, Poland from 2-14 December 2018. COP24 is hosted ...
The Buenos Aires G20 Meeting: Has Rules-based global Trade survived?

The Buenos Aires G20 Meeting: Has Rules-based global Trade survived?

11 Dec 18  Blog
The communiqué issued at the end of the Group of 20 meeting in Buenos Aires recently (30 November and 1 December 2018) reads like the to-do list for the world’s leading countrie...
Growth of global goods exports to reach 10.4% in 2018

Growth of global goods exports to reach 10.4% in 2018

06 Dec 18  News
Newly released UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics 2018 offers up-to-date, reliable trade figures in an era of uncertainty. Global merchandise exports could grow by 10.4% this year, hit...
Success and challenges in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Middle Income Countries

Success and challenges in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Middle Income Countries

04 Dec 18  News
High level meeting on middle income countries Remarks delivered by Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the UNDP Bureau for Policy and P...
ICC: Tax policy for the digital economy

ICC: Tax policy for the digital economy

04 Dec 18  News
In an era of unprecedented digital transformation, taxation of the digitalised economy is a leading topic on the global tax agenda Proposals at regional and national level have en...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

03 Dec 18  News
African trade events to diarise: African Ministers of Trade meeting (12-13 December, Cairo); 1st SADCSTAN workshop to adopt Harmonised Transport Standards (10-14 December, South Af...
G20 Leaders’ Declaration: Building consensus for fair and sustainable development

G20 Leaders’ Declaration: Building consensus for fair and sustainable development

03 Dec 18  News
The G20 Leaders’ Summit concluded on 1 December 2018 in Buenos Aires with a press conference given by Argentine President Mauricio Macri. After two days of wo...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

28 Nov 18  News
Tomorrow, in Addis Ababa: 6th African Union Commission-United States High Level Dialogue. Amb. Kwesi Quartey (AUC Deputy Chairperson) and Tibor Peter Nagy (US Assistant Secretary o...
The landscape for institutional investing in 2018: Perspectives of institutional investors

The landscape for institutional investing in 2018: Perspectives of institutional investors

28 Nov 18  News
The 2018 Argentina G20 Presidency requested the World Bank to organize a high-level G20 Investor Forum focused on institutional investors (pension funds, insurance companies, sover...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

27 Nov 18  News
Diarise: Role of capital markets in mobilizing domestic resources in Africa – a capacity building workshop (5-7 December, Gaborone). Download the concept note (pdf) Featured com...
ECA chief pledges continued support for Africa’s blue economy

ECA chief pledges continued support for Africa’s blue economy

27 Nov 18  News
In her remarks during the Leaders’ Commitment Segment of the Sustainable Blue Economy Conference on 26 November in Nairobi, Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commi...
WTO report shows sharp rise in trade-restrictive measures from G20 economies

WTO report shows sharp rise in trade-restrictive measures from G20 economies

22 Nov 18  News
The WTO’s 20th monitoring report on Group of 20 (G20) trade measures issued on 22 November shows that the amount of trade covered by new import-restrictive measures hit a new hig...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

20 Nov 18  News
The South Africa-Zimbabwe bilateral free trade agreement terminates today. What does this mean for the future of their bilateral trade relationship? A tralacBlog by Elisha Tsh...
Billions more people must benefit from trade gains, experts say

Billions more people must benefit from trade gains, experts say

20 Nov 18  News
A global system that leaves the top 1% as rich as the bottom 56% is overdue for reform, with women’s economic exclusion among the highest priorities. While some countries and so...
African Responses to Global Crises

African Responses to Global Crises

18 Nov 18  Blog
How do African governments and Africa collectively respond to the crisis in the global trading system? Are joint policies being developed? By whom? How will such a process be coord...
From unemployment to growing cyber-risk: business executives in different regions have different worries

From unemployment to growing cyber-risk: business executives in different regions have different worries

13 Nov 18  News
There are significant differences in risk perceptions across the eight regions covered in the World Economic Forum’s Regional Risks for Doing Business report. Over 12,...
Debt sustainability in developing countries is deteriorating fast

Debt sustainability in developing countries is deteriorating fast

08 Nov 18  News
Urgent talks on a looming global debt crisis take place in Geneva at the second session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development on 7-9 November 2018....
Doing Business Report: New record set as 314 reforms introduced to improve business climate around the world

Doing Business Report: New record set as 314 reforms introduced to improve business climate around the world

31 Oct 18  News
Governments around the world set a new record in bureaucracy busting efforts for the domestic private sector, implementing 314 business reforms over the past year, says the World B...


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