

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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307 Results
African trade liberalisation: implications for the clothing sector

African trade liberalisation: implications for the clothing sector

02 Nov 2017  Trade Reports Publications
The objective of this working paper is to update earlier tralac research by Sandrey et al. (2014) and extend it by concentrating on intra-African trade and trading regimes to asses...
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African production and trade of coffee and tea in perspective: What are the implications for continental trade liberalisation?

African production and trade of coffee and tea in perspective: What are the implications for continental trade liberalisation?

27 Oct 2017  Trade Reports Publications
This working paper examines the African production and trade profiles for coffee and tea, both important exports from Africa, and the extent to which trade liberalisation across Af...
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Value Chains in the Global South: Case Studies of the Cape Town ICT Sector

Value Chains in the Global South: Case Studies of the Cape Town ICT Sector

25 Oct 2017  Trade Reports Publications
ICT services are a critical input into development since unlike any other service, they are able to shift the production possibility frontier outward over time and enable better ut...
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Global Value Chains – analysis of wine in South Africa

Global Value Chains – analysis of wine in South Africa

18 Oct 2017  Trade Reports Publications
Today’s global economy has witnessed changes in the way production and trade occur. As new technologies are developed, globalisation and regionalisation are taking centre-stage, ...
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Sustainable Development Goals within an African context

Sustainable Development Goals within an African context

26 Sep 2017  Trade Reports Publications
On 25 September 2015, the United Nations adopted a set of goals focused on ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for all as vital components of a new sustai...
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Prospects for Kenyan Industrialisation

Prospects for Kenyan Industrialisation

02 Aug 2017  Trade Reports Publications
Today, many developing countries seek to emulate the industrialisation path followed by the industrialised nations of the world (the economies of Western Europe, the USA and Japan)...
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Intellectual property governance in Africa

Intellectual property governance in Africa

22 Jun 2017  Trade Reports Publications
Intellectual property (IP) matters – which generally cover patents, copyrights and related matters, industrial designs, trademarks, geographical indications (GIs), utility models...
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An assessment of Kenya’s international competitiveness

An assessment of Kenya’s international competitiveness

01 Jun 2017  Trade Reports Publications
Competitiveness is defined as the set of institutions, policies, and factors that determine the level of productivity of a country. The level of productivity, in tur...
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Development of Information and Communication Technology Sector: Policy and Regulatory Frameworks as Enablers of Economic Growth

Development of Information and Communication Technology Sector: Policy and Regulatory Frameworks as Enablers of Economic Growth

24 May 2017  Trade Reports Publications
Since 2000, the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector in both Kenya and Rwanda has witnessed exponential growth and development, outperforming most other sectors o...
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Towards the Continental Free Trade Area – opportunities for South Africa’s Industrial Policy Action Plan priority sectors in the Kenyan market

Towards the Continental Free Trade Area – opportunities for South Africa’s Industrial Policy Action Plan priority sectors in the Kenyan market

18 May 2017  Trade Reports Publications
Since the launch of the tripartite free trade area (TFTA) negotiations between the member states of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the East African Com...
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BRIC-Africa trade – is it all about China’s trade with South Africa?

BRIC-Africa trade – is it all about China’s trade with South Africa?

18 May 2017  Trade Reports Publications
In the past two decades, Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) have had growing trade and political relations with Africa and South Africa (SA) culminating in the formalisation of...
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Services Trade Restrictions and Trade Performance in Africa: Some Insights

Services Trade Restrictions and Trade Performance in Africa: Some Insights

10 May 2017  Trade Reports Publications
We live in a world where the production and consumption of services has been growing faster than that of merchandise for some time now. However whilst considerable gains await...
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The EAC Mode 4: Trade data

The EAC Mode 4: Trade data

26 Apr 2017  Trade Reports Publications
The East African Community (EAC) Common Market Protocol (CMP) entered into force in 2010. Among others, the protocol consists of the services liberalisation commitments and provide...
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Côte d’Ivoire: economic and trade profile and performance

Côte d’Ivoire: economic and trade profile and performance

05 Apr 2017  Trade Reports Publications
This paper examines the economic and trade profile and performance of Côte d’Ivoire since 1960, focusing on trends over the past 15 years. Côte d’Ivoire’s economic performa...
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Senegal: the trade policy and performance profile

Senegal: the trade policy and performance profile

29 Mar 2017  Trade Reports Publications
This paper examines the trade profile and performance of Senegal since 1960, with particular emphasis on the period since 2001. Over the course of 2015, Senegal’s macroeconomic p...
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Sustainability in Madagascar

Sustainability in Madagascar

08 Mar 2017  Trade Reports Publications
This working paper examines sustainability issues with respect to Madagascar. This seemingly uncontroversial and self-evident objective raises more questions than the paper is like...
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The rise of China in world trade and a crystal ball analysis for future Chinese trade

The rise of China in world trade and a crystal ball analysis for future Chinese trade

01 Mar 2017  Trade Reports Publications
This paper considers China’s position in world trade from two perspectives. The first section details the evolution of Chinese trade over the period 2001-2013, with an update of ...
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A legal and economic assessment of South Sudan’s possible accession to the East African Community

A legal and economic assessment of South Sudan’s possible accession to the East African Community

22 Feb 2017  Trade Reports Publications
South Sudan applied to join the East African Community (EAC) in 2011, when H.E. General Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of the Republic of South Sudan signed a note verbale. In ...
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Madagascar: the trade policy and performance profile

Madagascar: the trade policy and performance profile

16 Feb 2017  Trade Reports Publications
This paper examines the trade profile and performance of Madagascar, focusing on the period since 2001. According to the World Trade Organization (WTO, 2015), Madagascar is slowly ...
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Services trade in Africa

Services trade in Africa

08 Feb 2017  Trade Reports Publications
This working paper examines the African services trade to set a background for assessing the main issues for consideration in the current Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) negotia...
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