

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Tag: EU-Africa relations

SADC-EU EPA High-Level Civil Society Forum – Johannesburg, 16 October 2017

SADC-EU EPA High-Level Civil Society Forum – Johannesburg, 16 October 2017

19 Oct 17  Event
On Monday, 16 October 2017, tralac participated in the SADC-European Union Economic Partnership Agreement High-Level Civil Society Forum in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Forum a...
South African poultry and the SADC-EU EPA

South African poultry and the SADC-EU EPA

18 Oct 17  Discussion
Although the South African poultry industry is important in the broader agro-processing sector (especially in terms of employment) it is facing various difficulties. Even before th...
South African citrus exports under the SADC-EU EPA

South African citrus exports under the SADC-EU EPA

18 Oct 17  Discussion
Citrus fruits are one of the most important export products for the South African economy. For 2016 citrus fruit exports (1.7 million tonnes) were South Africa’s main agricultura...
Time to reset African Union-European Union relations

Time to reset African Union-European Union relations

18 Oct 17  News
Relations between the African Union (AU) and European Union (EU) reached a nadir in 2016 following serious disagreements over European payments to AU peacekeepers in Somalia. The f...
ACP countries target economic transformation in new relationship with Europe

ACP countries target economic transformation in new relationship with Europe

17 Oct 17  News
Members of Parliaments from Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific gathered in Brussels this week for the 47th session of the ACP Parliamentary Assembly, as well as joint intersessi...
ESA-EU Interim EPA: Joint communiqué of the sixth meeting of the EPA Committee

ESA-EU Interim EPA: Joint communiqué of the sixth meeting of the EPA Committee

13 Oct 17  News
The sixth meeting of the EPA Committee under the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (IEPA) between the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region and the European Union was held ...
President Museveni, EU Commission boss, discuss EPAs

President Museveni, EU Commission boss, discuss EPAs

29 Sep 17  News
President Yoweri Museveni has met the European Union (EU) Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and presented a raft of concerns raised by East African Community member states o...
European Union’s trading relationship with Africa – 2016

European Union’s trading relationship with Africa – 2016

17 Jul 17  Infographics
EU-Africa relations date over 60 years since the signing of the Rome Treaty, through to the Cotonou Agreement in 2000 and more recently the signing of the Economic Partnership Agre...
Recognition and protection of geographical indications in the EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement

Recognition and protection of geographical indications in the EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement

29 Jun 17  Discussion
Talkmore Chidede, tralac Researcher, discusses geographical indications used by South Africa and their protection under the EU-SADC EPA Geographical indications (GIs) are unique n...
EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with East and Southern Africa (ESA) – Implications for Zimbabwe

EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with East and Southern Africa (ESA) – Implications for Zimbabwe

28 Jun 17  Publications
The European Union has been negotiating the World Trade Organisation (WTO)-compatible Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of ...
G20 Africa Partnership Conference: Speech by German Chancellor Angela Merkel

G20 Africa Partnership Conference: Speech by German Chancellor Angela Merkel

19 Jun 17  News
G20 Africa Part­ner­ship – Investing in a Common Future Con­fer­ence On 12-13 June 2017, the German G20 Presidency gathered together Heads of States and Min...
Africa, Europe are not threats to each other – Kagame

Africa, Europe are not threats to each other – Kagame

09 Jun 17  News
African and European countries should work together to foster domestic and global development instead of looking at each other as threats, President Paul Kagame has said. The...
European Union woos Tanzania to sign trade deal

European Union woos Tanzania to sign trade deal

15 May 17  News
The European Union has invited the government of Tanzania for dialogue over the Economic Partnership Agreement impasse that has threatened to derail the trade pact between the bloc...
MEPs in Ghana and Ivory Coast to monitor EPA implementation

MEPs in Ghana and Ivory Coast to monitor EPA implementation

19 Apr 17  News
MEPs from the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee are in West Africa this week, to monitor the implementation of Economic Partnership Agreements. A team of six M...
Are EPAs still on the African Agenda?

Are EPAs still on the African Agenda?

05 Apr 17  Publications
The Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) date back to the signing of the Cotonou Agreement (the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement) in 2000. Since that time, it has been the framework ...
Can the relationship between Europe and Africa stand the test of time?

Can the relationship between Europe and Africa stand the test of time?

31 Mar 17  News
The European Union’s relationship with Africa is as old as the independence story. The signing of the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community (EEC) 60 ...
Economic Partnership Agreements and the African Continental Free Trade Area

Economic Partnership Agreements and the African Continental Free Trade Area

29 Mar 17  News
As of June 2016, the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) have been concluded – but not signed and ratified – in three African regions, namely the East African Community, the...
EACJ hears an application seeking Court’s order for stay of signing the EPA by partner states

EACJ hears an application seeking Court’s order for stay of signing the EPA by partner states

16 Mar 17  News
The First Instance Division of the East African Court of Justice heard an Application filed by Castro Pius Shirima, a Tanzanian resident, against the EAC Partner States and the Sec...
Implementing the SADC EPA – challenges and impact

Implementing the SADC EPA – challenges and impact

01 Mar 17  Discussion
Taku Fundira, tralac Associate, provides an update on the SADC-EU Economic Partnership Agreement and some of the challenges that may lie ahead Negotiations between the European Un...


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