

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Tag: Digital economy

tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

26 Jan 17  News
AU Summit briefings today in Addis: Mrs Rhoda Peace Tumusiime (Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture): Strengthening mutual accountability to achieve CAADP/Malabo go...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

25 Jan 17  News
AU Summit press conferences today in Addis: Mrs Fatima Haram Acyl (Commissioner for Trade and Industry): ‘The Continental Free Trade Area: an opportunity for job creation in Afri...
Data, ICT developments and the Continental Free Trade Area

Data, ICT developments and the Continental Free Trade Area

18 Jan 17  Discussion
Tarik Oguz, tralac Research Advisor – Information and Communication Technologies, comments on the inaugural UN World Data Forum held in Cape Town and the ongoing CFTA negotiation...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

13 Jan 17  News
Starting, Sunday, in Cape Town: the inaugural UN World Data Forum Learning to Compete: evidence on exporting and firm-level performance (UNU-WIDER) This Special Issue by the Jour...
How creating new markets can change the future of development finance

How creating new markets can change the future of development finance

13 Jan 17  News
As recently as two decades ago, it was nearly impossible to find a home with a telephone in sub-Saharan Africa. Just one person in a hundred owned a fixed line; for everyone else...
Harnessing automation for a future that works

Harnessing automation for a future that works

13 Jan 17  News
Automation is happening, and it will bring substantial benefits to businesses and economies worldwide, but it won’t arrive overnight. A new McKinsey Global Institute report finds...
New ‘Aspiring Africa’ narrative fuelled by technology growth

New ‘Aspiring Africa’ narrative fuelled by technology growth

13 Jan 17  News
The ‘Africa Rising’ narrative is increasingly giving way to that of ‘Aspiring Africa’, as the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) shrinks and the new middle class burgeons. Central ...
Under-employed, under-inclusive and under threat: the World in 2017

Under-employed, under-inclusive and under threat: the World in 2017

12 Jan 17  News
Trends such as rising income inequality and societal polarization triggered political change in 2016 and could exacerbate global risks in 2017 if urgent action is not taken, accord...
Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent in 2017

Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent in 2017

11 Jan 17  News
2017 holds promise for Africa. Despite the troubles of 2016 – political turmoil in the Gambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, continuing violence in South Sudan and Nig...
Technology and innovation

Technology and innovation

04 Jan 17  Themes
Innovation and new technologies are key drivers of economic growth in today’s globalised economy. Promoting innovation has thus become a critical regional and national policy obj...
The protection of personal information and cross-border data flows

The protection of personal information and cross-border data flows

14 Dec 16  Discussion
Ashly Hope, tralac Research Advisor, comments on the regulation of movement of data across borders and South Africa’s new privacy protection regime On 1 December 2016 South Afri...
WTO Public Forum debates role of digital economy in facilitating inclusive trade

WTO Public Forum debates role of digital economy in facilitating inclusive trade

29 Sep 16  News
The digital economy can create opportunities for inclusive trade but the right conditions must be in place for it to flourish, speakers at the WTO Public Forum stressed. Over 20 se...
Moving money across borders in the SADC region

Moving money across borders in the SADC region

20 Jul 16  Publications
Under the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) Finance and Investment Protocol, Annex 6 provides for cooperation on payment, clearing and settlement systems. The subco...
E-trade and electronic payments

E-trade and electronic payments

20 Jul 16  Discussion
Ashly Hope, tralac Research Advisor, comments on the launch of the e-Trade for All initiative at UNCTAD 14 and the opportunities for e-commerce development in Africa On 18 July th...
Bringing SMEs onto the e-commerce highway

Bringing SMEs onto the e-commerce highway

31 May 16  News
ITC publication explores transformative effect of e-commerce sets out challenges and opportunities for SMEs E-commerce across borders is transforming the business world in develop...
Data protection regulations and international data flows: Implications for trade and development

Data protection regulations and international data flows: Implications for trade and development

19 Apr 16  News
Data protection frameworks must be compatible with international data flows for developing countries to benefit from the global digital economy National and regional legal framewo...
Harnessing emerging technological breakthroughs for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Harnessing emerging technological breakthroughs for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

18 Jan 16  News
Effective global partnerships, sufficient financing and close cooperation between Governments and the private sector will be indispensable to harness the evolving global innovation...
Time to modernise trade rules for digital era

Time to modernise trade rules for digital era

19 Mar 14  News
In the past, nations with the best ships and ports were able to establish global trade leadership and the growth that came along with it. Today, global trade has gone digital. In ...


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