

Building capacity to help Africa trade better


Zimbabwean government issues investment guidelines

25 Jan 2018 ~ Talkmore Chidede
The new Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) under President Munangagwa’s administration is determined to attract private investment as a vehicle for advancing economic recovery. It recognises t...read more

A tralac Perspective on the bigger picture for 2018

19 Jan 2018 ~ Trudi Hartzenberg
The Trade Law Centre (tralac) monitors integration, trade and governance in Africa. The fact that developments in Southern and Eastern Africa are more frequently covered does not mean that...read more

An Opportunity for South Africa to pursue new regional Policies?

19 Jan 2018 ~ Gerhard Erasmus
South Africa is in the midst of a political battle. At the end of 2017 the ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), elected Cyril Ramaphosa as its new leader, after a hotly conte...read more

Africa and the WTO’s E-Commerce Agenda

19 Jan 2018 ~ Ashly Hope (Volunteer), Puseletso Sauli (intern)
The growth in telecommunications capability across the world has made trade possible through electronic means (cross-border e-commerce). Research from eMarketer shows that global e‑comme...read more


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